[Fiware-webui] Change of email information in GE owners list

Tiina Hynninen tiina.hynninen at adminotech.com
Fri Feb 27 10:14:47 CET 2015

Hi Miguel,

can you please update the contact information to the following GE owners in
Advanced Web UI:

jonne.vaisanen at adminotech.com
lasse.oorni at adminotech.com
ari.okkonen at adminotech.com
timo.mukari at adminotech.com
toni.alatalo at adminotech.com

- Tiina Hynninen

@meshmoon1 <http://twitter.com/meshmoon1>
[image: Meshmoon]
Tiina Hynninen, VP, Business Development
*Adminotech Oy, *
Makelininkatu 15, FIN-90100 Oulu | Kaisaniemenkatu 13 A 2
FIN-00100 Helsinki
tiina at adminotech.com | +358 40 745 6693
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