[Fiware-webui] FIWARE Lab accounts availability

Timo Mukari timo.mukari at cie.fi
Wed May 13 08:55:21 CEST 2015

It seems that the FILAB is working now, I managed to log in after renewing
the password,
and managed to start new instances as well using the new SPAIN2. The old
SPAIN is not
any more visible in the Region selections but the old instances there seems
to be still up
and running now. This was not yet working yesterday for me,


-----Original Message-----
From: fiware-webui-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org
[mailto:fiware-webui-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of Philipp
Sent: 12. toukokuuta 2015 16:03
To: Cvetan Stefanovski; fiware-webui at lists.fi-ware.org
Subject: Re: [Fiware-webui] FIWARE Lab accounts availability


Yes, this is likely realted with the "upgrade" of the Access Control
Identity Management GE that controls all of FIWARE. This was meant to be
"transparent" and nothing is working for a week by now (or so).

They are working on it, but please file tickets anyway to make sure they get
everything right.

Bester Gruß,


Am 12.05.2015 um 14:06 schrieb Cvetan Stefanovski:
> Hello,
> Can you try to login to FIWARE Lab with your accounts? 
> Today I tried logging into the Lab, but my credentials were not 
> recognized. When I tried to use the "Forgot password" form it said 
> that my e-mail is not registered, which is weird.
> I opened new account now but I cannot access the "Cloud" tab, saying 
> I'm not authorized to see it.
> Anyone else had this problem? Have I missed something regarding FIWARE
> Thanks,
> -cs
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