[Fiware-wg-leaders] R: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Today's call

Garino Pierangelo pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it
Mon Dec 21 14:46:38 CET 2015

Dear Miguel,

I cannot attend as I’m in another call, so I send this mail about the I2ND status:
. concerning the I2ND roadmap deliverable I’m working with Kiara GEri owners to provide it asap.
. Open Specs are as you said pending on your side.
. The R4 release summary is complete for I2ND. Also the deliverable template you distributed some time ago is nearly complete. Pdfs are available, we generated from readthedocs most of them (although I found some blank pages in them). Is this ok or should we use the md2pdftool you mention?


Da: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fiware.org] Per conto di MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
Inviato: lunedì 21 dicembre 2015 10:48
A: fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fiware.org; fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fiware.org; fiware-wg-leaders at lists.fiware.org
Oggetto: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Today's call

Dear all,

I have been discussing the approach of today's call with Manuel. We will have a quick and straight to the point meeting, just looking at the status of the reporting and the deliverables.  Manuel is discharged from coming since the backlog and other issues that he handles will not be part of the agenda.

Let me anticipate a recap (so please do not say "I will check later", check now because you have to report the status in the call):


  *   Delivered: Cloud, Data, Apps, Security
  *   Pending on the chapter: WebUI, IoT, I2ND (Issue with I2ND/WebUI   -> where is KIARA?)
  *   Pending from TID to deliver: none

Open Specs

  *   Delivered: Security
  *   Pending on the chapter: Apps, WebUI, IoT
  *   Pending from TID to deliver: Data, Cloud, I2ND
SW/Install /User manual
md2pdftool released (see http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Tools_to_produce_deliverables)
Dummies' guide to be released today

Status collection: http://wiki.fiware.org/Release_Summary_R4

All WPs closed for edition and consolidated to word a doc
Dissemination: to be closed today
Sustainability (Joel): the worst by far, there was some advancements but still incomplete. I do not perceive the WPL doing his job.
Miguel to report on the Y1 review status

Best regards



Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>


     _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco

    _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica

   _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 6

  _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N

 _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)

                                          Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77

                         e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

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