[Fiware-wg-leaders] Meeting tomorrow ... cancelled?

MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Tue Nov 29 15:14:24 CET 2016

Dear all,

Since the remaining work that concerns you has mostly to do with pending 
deliverables, I do not see the need to have a meeting to check long 
lists of them, each one knows perfectly where he is in relation with 
them, the whole picture is here:

  * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IK04LaNl5fGgyEZHs2scAMF3QoEQK-lPVqImaXRBKJQ/edit#gid=1275731204

If you have internal meetings, remind your chapter partners the need 
to*contribute to the standardization deliverable*. Also, we need from 
all of you to remind this to the chapter partners: send us the 
*dissemination travels* as indicated by Malena.

Most of the active work tracks are the moment are actually dealt with in 
the TSC anyway.

The only FI-Core specific item I can think of is the long standing 
*amendment*. This one is ready, pending to check a tricky bit with a 
partner but we expect to send it to the EC this week - I know, it has 
seemed imminent for months, I am the first one to be really tired of 
this situation.  We will previously  circulate the definite DoW among 
the partners (no changes allowed, just in case there are mistakes) and 
once the internal deadline is passed, we will upload it to NEF.

It is not time yet to talk about the 2nd period report or the final 
report, this will be done in due course. Also, I do not have any info on 
the dates for the final review and whether this will be remote or not.

As usual, this is not a refusal to have the meeting but a reasonable 
proposal. If there's a convincing argument to have it, I am open to do 
it as long as it is useful.

Best regards,



Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com

      _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
     _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica
    _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 6
   _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
  _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)
                                           Tel:  (+34) 91 312 94 15

                          e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com

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