Dear all, Please find below the set of Action Points we have identified during our follow-up confcall: Davide: to check current ToC in the Wiki and suggest where the document on Tools would fit in. We will fix over the email the details Juanjo: Configuration of a Wiki linked to the "FI-WARE Private" will be put in the queue of work to be done by the FusionForge support team Juanjo: A tracker will be created for issuing requests to the FusionForge team Juanjo: Translate guidelines for use of the blog (populating contents of the website), internal minutes of chapters and tools that will serve for that purpose (deadline: end of this week) Juanjo: Add to presentation shared during the follow-up confcall activities during October dealing with definition of planning (activities/milestones) of the FI-WARE Testbed All: Task Force will be created for each technical chapter involving representatives of the chapter and representatives of the Security chapter, targeted to refine contents of the "Question Marks" section in every chapter related to Security. - October 7th: chapter teams to provide update on Security section contents within "Question Marks" sections - October 10th: Pascal to give us update on projects Security: A description about how Identity Management, Access Control and Privacy should be available on the wiki as update of the FI-WARE Product Vision by October 7th Security: Pascal will come with a proposal by October 10th on day when to have a virtual workshop with UC projects where FI-WARE will explain UC projects what will be the architecture that integrates the above core Security GEs (Identity, Access Control and Privacy Management) All: to make proposals over the email that can be taken as input for the discussion on the topic of Architecture notations/conventions during our next joint WPL/WPA follow-up All: Bring proposal on schedule of f2f WP meetings to the next joint WPL/WPA follow-up confcall Alex (Cloud), Pascal (Security) and Juanjo (Data): to come with a proposal on how to deal with Monitoring to our next joint WPL/WPA follow-up confcall All: Come to the next follow-up confcall with feedback about applicability of the selected tools (tracker+Wiki) for Backlog management. We will keep with usage of the tracker and the wiki and not change the plans unless there is negative feedback gathered by the teams Juanjo/Pascal: to setup virtual session between Security and Data/Context team next week -- Juanjo Hierro Chief Technologist on Software Technologies Telefonica R&D Labs email: jhierro at phone: +34 91 48 32932 Oeste 1, Planta 5. Distrito C Ronda de la Comunicacion s/n Madrid 28050 Spain Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at.
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