[Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] I NEED YOUR QUICK INPUT: Doodle poll for first year evaluation of FI-WARE

Matteo Melideo matteo.melideo at eng.it
Tue Apr 24 12:19:48 CEST 2012

Dear Juanjo,
I am currently on holiday but I have just a trivial issue to raise on 
the review.
I do not know how the review will be organized and what the 
P.O.\reviewers will expect to see, however I think that at the review 
the responsible of each GE or tool should participate as I do not think 
the WPL or the WPA can enter into the details of each specification or 
tool in case of questions.

My two cents



Il 24/04/2012 11:28, Juanjo Hierro ha scritto:
> Hi all,
>   One of my Action Points was to send an email to Arian asking for the 
> dates of the first year review of FI-WARE.
>   I have found that it may make more sense to even come with a 
> proposal to him about weeks that are more suitable for us.   For that 
> purpose, I have setup the following doodle poll where you can cast 
> your preferences:
>     http://www.doodle.com/2umpvpu8taizri4s
>   Since we have to react quickly, and formulate a proposal before 
> Arian comes to us with a decision already, I would like that you fill 
> the doodle poll no later than tomorrow 16:00.    With the preferences 
> cast by then, I will formulate the question to Arian, accompanying it 
> with a proposal about a week.    I may close the poll earlier than 
> tomorrow 16:00 if votes that have been cast clearly points to a given 
> week.
>   Regarding any of the weeks, I would go for Wednesday and Thursday, 
> so that we can use Monday and Tuesday for rehearsal.
>   Attendance of at least the WPL or the WPA per each of the FI-WARE 
> chapters is mandatory.   It would be rather nice that both attend.   
> Besides, it is expected that Miguel and Axel will attend, plus of 
> course Jose and me.
>   Note that I have gone for proposing weeks after our second 
> educational session, scheduled for the week of June 4th.   I have then 
> keep a week at least in between, that we may use for finishing all the 
> presentations we should prepare.
>   Please cast your vote as soon as possible.
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website:www.tid.es
> email:jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect
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