[Fiware-wpa] [Instant Mobility][Fi-Ware] technical virtual meeting

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Tue May 15 05:57:28 CEST 2012


  This is a reminder of the virtual meeting we will celebrate tomorrow, from 10:00am until 13:00pm.

  Bridge details will be forwarded by Lorant Farkas (NSN) soon.   Thanks Lorant for offering NSN's help in setting up the logistics.

  We understand that the agenda will mostly cover the first to items of the agenda you initially proposed (attached), of course shrinking it to fit the allocated time (3 hours).   I would advise leaving the last 20 mins to wrap-up.  During this wrap-up we may gather a short timeslot to get a quick first feedback from FI-WARE chapter representatives regarding FI-WARE GEs not identified by Instant Mobility which they feel could be useful.   This may give InstantMobility a clue about sessions that would be interesting  to attend during the educational session weeks, besides those you may be planning already.

  See you tomorrow.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect

You can follow FI-WARE at:
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On 08/05/12 20:00, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
Dear Thierry,

On 07/05/12 11:24, thierry.nagellen at orange.com<mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com> wrote:
Dear Juanjo,

We fully agree that educational sessions are useful to better understand what Fi-Ware would deliver especially for the first release. But this is not a common developers’ session as Instant Mobility technical team would organize with Fi-Ware.

Our objective is clearly to work on interfaces between Instant Mobility Specific Enablers and FI-Ware Generic Enablers to reach an agreement and to be able to use some of them for our prototype. The objective is not to better understand FI-Ware GE but to provide technical details on interactions between specific enablers and generic enablers and identify functionalities and documented APIs which could bring consistency to ensure Instant Mobility prototype development.

  The educational sessions are not just organized around description of the FI-WARE Generic Enablers.   Probably you are aware that each of the days during those educational weeks are splitted in two.  One part devoted actually to description of FI-WARE GEs (despite we intend to make this parts of the sessions rather interactive with the UC projects present).   However, the other part is organized by the UC projects so that they can explain what is the Architecture of the Applications they are designing, how they plan to use the FI-WARE GEs within that Architecture and what domain-specific Enablers they are planning to develop.   That's why we have always insisted that the kind of session you pretend to organize fits clearly within the scope of what we intend to do in the educational weeks (note that "education" happens in the two directions: UC projects will learn more about FI-WARE, but FI-WARE will learn more about UC projects.)

We are deeply convinced that a virtual meeting is not an optimal way to reach this objective, to analyze everything in details, to use schemas and some engineering tools to reach a common view. Virtual meeting will just support information exchange and will require some other meetings to clarify technical topics. So virtual meetings will require more times for both teams, Instant Mobility and FI-Ware, to achieve a common work.

  Actually, the optimal way is to have a f2f meeting.   That was why the educational sessions were defined, and we selected two weeks to make it easier to adapt to UC project's calendars.  We also hope that you can agree that we cannot have dedicated and separate meetings for each and every UC project.    We have planned to have dedicated meetings with the UC projects (this is what the second parts of the educational weeks are designed for) but need to concentrate them for the sake of managing resources and budget properly.    The trade-off was to have two weeks so that each UC project can better adapt to the one that fits better within its calendar.    I remind you here that if this still doesn't fit well into the calendar, you would have the ability to justify a fine adjustment of your calendar in order to better synchronize with FI-WARE.    The EC has several times shown they would be willing to accept such kind of fine-tune adjustments in projects' planning.

Nevertheless, regarding FI-Ware time constraints to organize this session, we propose to organize a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 16th  from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM (3 hours) to deal with some issues regarding the following chapters of FI-Ware (I2ND, Data & &Context Management, IoT, Cloud, Applications & Services Ecosystem, Security). This meeting will happen before our review and when our technical team is available. If you agree on this date we will provide the agenda ASAP.

  Having a virtual meeting with the agenda you initially proposed would certainly add more time to the time allocated to InstantMobility in the educational session week were a session dedicated to the project will be planned, so let's arrange the one at the time you propose.   We assume that the session would be mostly organized so that InstantMobility will describe us how they plan to use FI-WARE GEs and how they plan to integrate them with other domain-specific GEs you are planning to develop, so that you can collect our feedback.   FI-WARE wouldn't need to prepare any specific presentation on FI-WARE's chapters although, of course, we will respond any questions, doubts that may arise during the discussion.  So far, representatives of the I2ND, Data/Context Management, IoT, Cloud and Applications/Services Ecosystem and Delivery chapters have confirmed their attendance.   I haven't yet gathered a response from the Security Chapter, but I hope someone will be able to attend.

  Please let us know what confcall+webex kind of bridge you plan to setup.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo Hierro

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect

You can follow FI-WARE at:
  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

Best regards
Thierry Nagellen
Program Manager Future Internet
Orange Labs Networks & Carriers
905 rue Albert Einstein
06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
+33 492 94 52 84
+33 679 85 08 44
New email address: thierry.nagellen at orange.com<mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com>


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