[Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] Shared minutes for the joint WPLs/WPAs confcall

stefano de panfilis stefano.depanfilis at eng.it
Mon Sep 10 15:38:51 CEST 2012

dear juanjo,

as anticipated i'm not attending the phc today for previous engagements.
i'll read the minutes and please let me know what expected by us (testbed
team). by the way, we will meet tomorrow evening, isn't it?


2012/9/10 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>

> Hi,
>   As always, we will use shared minutes.   You can locate them at:
> https://docs.google.com/**document/d/**1Yk1jqEa87aavZl3VetyBG3kIscQaP**
> UHuA7vBXwnsj_A/edit#<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yk1jqEa87aavZl3VetyBG3kIscQaPUHuA7vBXwnsj_A/edit#>
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
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Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

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