Dear colleagues, I'd like to share my notes in relation to the exploitation plan-request/recommendation communicated by the EC. Please add your points or possible corrections to my notes in order to unify the potential submission a bit. In the end this consolidated "requirements" and the concrete plan needs to be communicated ASAP to the pcc or all industry partners on WP level Thanks for contributions & all the best, /Thorsten Juanjo notes: - Formal request by the EC: Each company has to submit their individual exploitation plans in few weeks. Even those who said they would not be different to the already submitted (a letter stating so would be enough). Don't need many pages, just some paragraphs. Information will be treated as confidential. Further notes and background how it was communicated - Recommendation by EC o Individual exploitation plans would be changed if requested - tour de chamber was made - most companies said they would change o That is what needs to be done § Timing: 3 weeks from "now" - max 2 pages. § Submission deadline would then be 05. July 2013 (right?) o Basically - from everybody on the consortium o If partner won't change it - just send the current one - that's fine o EC would like to know what your plans are - how seriously are you with the whole thing? Further comments that were made during the review (day before) to this topic: - JH: we have exploitation plan which are in common but will have addition internal plans o "This statement is not written anywhere, and needs to be submitted and accepted by the EC" - Reviewer: If exploitation plans are declared confidential, then they potentially can't be reviewed and accepted o JH: other project support the confidential nature of exploitation plan - NK meeting on C-level o Arian saw the meeting and it was not concrete enough to him o Exploitation plan: If nobody gets killed, then we will continue... this is not how it should be - Needed: o Budget & people dedicated to exploitation planned and committed o Budget dedicated people and efforts to describe exploitation effort in a report and not only a plan o Exploitation reports are not tangible now, they need a lot to be detailed o Private exploitation sessions proposed/accepted o Something that proves activities - Arian: We are mostly targeting the time after FI-WARE with this question o Impression of EC: Big players in major countries and little true traction felt from the report & no actions taken -- Thorsten Sandfuchs SAP AG | Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1 | D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany |<> Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements: Diese E-Mail kann Betriebs- oder Geschäftsgeheimnisse oder sonstige vertrauliche Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, ist Ihnen eine Kenntnisnahme des Inhalts, eine Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe der E-Mail ausdrücklich untersagt. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns und vernichten Sie die empfangene E-Mail. Vielen Dank. This e-mail may contain trade secrets or privileged, undisclosed, or otherwise confidential information. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are hereby notified that any review, copying, or distribution of it is strictly prohibited. Please inform us immediately and destroy the original transmittal. Thank you for your cooperation. Please consider the environment before printing this mail! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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