[Fiware-wpa] The EC will inspect our resources at the end of the month

Miguel Carrillo mcp at tid.es
Mon Apr 14 17:58:58 CEST 2014

Dear GE owners, dear all,

We have been informed that Arian is intending to have a close look at the Licensing models at the end of the month. As you know from past experiences, this exercise may have consequences. I would advise careful checking as not all seem to be in order.

The places he will inspect are at least but not restricted to:

  *   Catalogue entries

On-line excel file

  *   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGGeaQGro3fdEd6bGhLQWtNai1jeGN5UnJMeEdxZ0E&usp=sharing#gid=8
  *   The availability columns ("for the FI-PPP partners", "within FI-LAB" and "beyond the FI-PPP"" ) should be properly filled in.

Of course, the info on excel file and the catalogue should be consistent!

Best regards,


     _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
    _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica
   _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9
  _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
 _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)
                                          Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77

                                          e-mail: mcp at tid.es<mailto:mcp at tid.es>

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