[Fiware-wpl] WP11-Explotation Summary and Next Steps

Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena juan.bareno at atosresearch.eu
Fri Dec 23 13:43:06 CET 2011

Dear Colleagues


Please find here enclosed a initial presentation of what business issues regarding FI WARE have to be discussed to agree on a common message about FI WARE market positioning and the IPRs and Standardization activities management


Additionally you can find the templates to fulfill aiming to obtain the exploitation and standardization issues feedback from each partner:


-          Exploitation:

o   Individual exploitation plan- by partner (Form 1)

o   Domain exploitation plan- by WPL (Form 2)

-          Standardization

o   Standardization Report- by WPL

o   Excel with main contacts- by partner


Please review the presentation and send feedback and fulfill the templates accordingly


I take advantage of this email to wish you all a very nice Christmas and a Happy New Year






Next week we will circulate a first commercial draft brochure


Juan Bareño


Global Innovation, Business Development & Strategy

Research & Innovation




T +34 912148859

juan.bareno at atos.net <mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net> 

Albarracín 25

28037 Madrid


www.atos.net <http://www.atos.net/> 

www.atosresearch.eu <http://www.atosresearch.eu/> 





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