[Fiware-wpl] Overview of status

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Tue Oct 18 16:09:58 CEST 2011

Hi all,

  End of October is approaching and I want to remind you the major goals we have to meet by the end of the month:

 *   Update of the FI-WARE Product Vision.  We should address:
    *   as many of the comments on the first release of the FI-WARE Product Vision by the reviewers as possible
    *   what we committed to do as delta against the first version of this deliverable according to the DoW : "?what are the baseline projects whose results will be considered for integration in FI-WARE together with an explanation on what results may be used why and how they plan to be integrated together. It also will include a description of projects whose progress will be monitored to determine their further adoption in planned releases of FI-WARE.
 *   Creation of the backlog linked to each chapter and GE, including:
    *   Epics describing functionality still at high level, thus requiring further analysis in parallel to sprints
    *   Features, including those we commit to address during first minor release of FI-WARE (starting November 1st and scheduled to end mid February)
    *   User-Stories, including those we plan to develop during first Sprint (starting November 1st, lasting one month)

  Regarding second bullet of the first point, that is the description of assets, Miguel Carrillo will send to each of you a detailed report on things we are missing or things we will request you to fix in order to achieve a minimum of homogeneity regarding contents published on the Wiki.  Please review Miguel's requests carefully and try to implement them as soon as possible.   Bear in mind that we should have all this done by end of September and we are running late.

  Regarding the backlog, apart from finishing the uploading of all the identified Epics associated to chapters/GEs, you should work trying to refine them up to produce the first set of features and user-stories.   You should also take a look in parallel to requests made by the UC projects.  Thomas and me will take a look at them and assign them to you when we find them suitable for your analysis.

  Don't hesitate to ask any question.   Please share this info with your teams.

  Best regards,

Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technologist on Software Technologies
Telefonica R&D Labs

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
phone: +34 91 48 32932

Oeste 1, Planta 5. Distrito C
Ronda de la Comunicacion s/n
Madrid 28050

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