[Fiware-wpl] Workshop YOU SHOULD ATTEND on FI-WARE Identity, Access Control and Privacy Management Architecture

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Sun Oct 23 09:16:45 CEST 2011

Dear colleagues,

   As you my remember, one of the APs from our last joint follow-up
confcall was to setup a workshop with UC projects regarding description
of the soluction we have defined for the core Security GEs dealing with
Identity, Access Control and Privacy Management in FI-WARE.

   After some discussion, we have decided that we will first celebrate a
internal workshop, involving only FI-WARE partners, and then afterwards
and once we compile the internal feedback, celebrate the final workshop
with the UC projects.   The internal FI-WARE workshop will be virtual,
i.e., a combination of confcall and webex.

   Regarding the internal FI-WARE workshop, we need to accomodate it in
the week starting November 7th.   A number of dates/times have been
selected that week and recorded in the following doodle:


   Please cast your vote so that we can close the date for the virtual
workshop.   Note that voting a starting time means agreement to stay for
3 hours starting at that time, since 3 hours would be the estimated
duration for this workshop.

   You are welcome to invite any member of your team that you believe is
relevant.   Note that Identity, Access Control and Privacy Management
are three crucial aspects we definitively need to resolve the best way

   Deadline for voting is Wednesday Oct 26th.   We will then announce
the final date/time on Thursday Oct 27.


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technologist on Software Technologies
Telefonica R&D Labs

email: jhierro at tid.es
phone: +34 91 48 32932

Oeste 1, Planta 5. Distrito C
Ronda de la Comunicacion s/n
Madrid 28050

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