[Fiware-wpl] Fwd: Change of Social Event date (Now Tomorrow Tue June 5th at 20:30) - 'FI-PPP SW Architects Week'

CARLOS RALLI UCENDO ralli at tid.es
Mon Jun 4 22:40:52 CEST 2012


Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

De: CARLOS RALLI UCENDO <ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>>
Fecha: 4 de junio de 2012 22:36:13 GMT+02:00
Para: "fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>" <fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
Asunto: Change of Social Event date (Now Tomorrow Tue June 5th at 20:30) - 'FI-PPP SW Architects Week'

Dear Colleagues,

Due to an unexpected cancellation it seems, the restaurant will have also availability tomorrow, Tuesday evening.
I have checked that all of you that confirmed attendance to the social are actually tomorrow in Madrid as well except one case, and many other have wrote me in private to ask if we could change it for Tuesday as they are leaving on Wed evening.

I have marked in yellow in the excel those who answered before, so now please register yourself considering the date is tomorrow evening 20:30 in the same location.

Deadline for me to communicate to the restaurant the number of people is tomorrow 15:30, so I would appreciate if you register in the on-line form before then.
  Link:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArcymbqnpOfkdGJqeEFlblNEUkdxdkl2NW1sM0FWUUE#gid=3

Thanks for your participation, surely the informal links that we'll create in the social will be very helpful for the work ahead in the context of the FI-PPP.
Best regards,

El 04/06/2012, a las 15:07, CARLOS RALLI UCENDO escribió:

Please, register yourself on-line.

Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

Fecha: 3 de junio de 2012 14:41:27 GMT+02:00
Para: "fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>" <fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-training at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
Cco: CARLOS RALLI UCENDO <ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>>
Asunto: Social Event (Wed June 6th at 20:30) - 'FI-PPP SW Architects Week'

Dear Colleagues,

We have managed to book a place to share our ideas and discussions in a more informal way next week.

The name of the place is "Restaurante Villagodio" and is conveniently located in Madrid city center.
  (Address: Calle de San Agustín, 6 28014 Madrid)

We have arranged a complete menu of 30 euros to be individually paid by each one attending the dinner.
The menu consists in an assortment of appetizers or tapas, drinks and a main course (meat or fish).
Strict Vegetarians may also have a special main course, if we say this in advance.

If you are willing to come along with us, just register yourself in the new columns (L and M) we added to the attendees list at:

Deadline for registration is Monday 21h CET.

See you in Madrid!
Best regards.
Carlos Ralli Ucendo (ralli at tid.es<mailto:ralli at tid.es>)
Cell: +34696923588
Twitter: @carlosralli
Product Development & Innovation (Telefónica Digital)
Telefónica I+D SAU
Madrid, Spain
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