[Fiware-wpl] Detailed instructions on how to generate the Unit Testing Plan deliverable for a FI-WARE GE

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Mon May 28 23:34:41 CEST 2012

Dear all,

  As you know, a Unit Testing Plan deliverable has to be produced for each of the GEs to be released as part of the first FI-WARE Release.   Note that this Unit Testing Plan has nothing to do with the Integration Testing Plan which has been asked by the Testbed Chapter team.

  The approach proposed to tackle this deliverable was initially shared in April 10th, and was approved after the integration of some of the compiled comments during the joint WPLs/WPAs confcall that took place in May 7th.

  Here, we will try to elaborate on the details about how to generate this deliverable per GE on the public wiki.

  The very first step will be extend the set of Features listed for each GE within the corresponding section of the "Materializing the FI-WARE Vision" part of the public wiki.   As per now, each GE was supposed to have already a number of Features, Epics and User-Stories listed on the "Materializing the FI-WARE Vision" part of the wiki.    However, listed Features were supposed to only map to new features to be incorporated in the baseline assets for the first FI-WARE Release (i.e., features that required some sort of development on the baseline asset).   Now, we will extend these list of Features so that the whole list of Features provide a comprehensive and complete description of the set of features that will be supported by the GE in the first FI-WARE Release.

  Note that with this first step, we hope that we will be able to address some of the comments made by reviewers on the "FI-WARE Technical Roadmap" deliverable, arguing that the information provided in that deliverable was too abstract (see [1]).   Making this first step, we will be able to add a link to the set of features to be supported by each FI-WARE GE from the "FI-WARE Technical Roadmap" deliverable.   This way, the argument about lack of concreteness should fly away.

  Once we have completed the set of Features for a given GE and listed them within the corresponding section inside the "Materializing the FI-WARE Vision" part of the wiki, we will create a last section, right after the section listing the User-Stories, that will be titled "Unit Testing Plan" and will contain a link to a wiki page describing the Unit Testing Plan that will be applied to the GE.   This wiki page will be titled "<name of GE> - Unit Testing Plan" and will be structured into one section titled "Information Common to all tests" and then several sections, each linked to a Unit Test.   Each Unit Test, will contain:

  *   a subsection titled "Tested Features" which contains a list of links to the wiki pages describing the Features that are tested through the Unit Test
  *   a subsection titled "Test description" which contains detailed information about:
     *   what client programs and (potentially) data sets will be used to run the test
     *   how to run the test:
        *   this should be detailed enough to allow an administrator/operator of a FI-WARE Instance to test if the GE is working properly
        *   dependencies on third party libraries or software should be specified
     *   expected results to be obtained by running the client programs with the referred data set
     *   (note: it would be highly recommended to define a maven project which would be used to run the test and where all dependencies are specified

  Note that a separate Unit Test may be defined per tested Feature.   However, this is not mandatory so a given Unit Test may be used to test several features.   What is important is that the Test description provides the information that is needed to run the tests, not only by the developer of the GE but also by any party (e.g., an administrator/operator of a FI-WARE Instance containing that GE) who decides to use the Unit Testing Plan to verify that the GE is working properly in a given FI-WARE Instance setup.

  A link to the corresponding section in the Unit Testing Plan document at the wiki will be included in a "how-to-test" field of the corresponding backlog entry.   We will soon inform you whether this field will be created in the template linked to Features descriptions in the public Wiki or in the ticket at the tracker that corresponds to the Feature.

  We couldn't provide a reference example of the formula described above because the wiki was down, but we hope to provide it along this week.   Nevertheless, don't hesitate to make any question or complement this proposal.   Your input is more than welcome.

  Please, share these instructions with members of your respective teams.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect

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