[Fiware-wpl] [Fiware-wpa] Review Agenda Planning

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Nov 8 17:20:42 CET 2012

Dear Juanjo,
     I'll do my best to free these dates as well.


On 08/11/2012 09:32, Matteo Melideo wrote:
> Nothing to say as it seems that everyone in the consortium but me and 
> my colleagues, Davide and Paolo, know about these dates.  It is 
> definitely our fault ...
> BR
> M.
> P.S.
> I hope I will be able to move all my previous meeting\appointments 
> fixed during the review week and be able to attend.
> Il 08/11/2012 06:22, Juanjo Hierro ha scritto:
>> Dear Matteo,
>>   The dates of the review meeting were decided weeks ago ...
>>   Checking previous emails it's true that the official communication 
>> by the EC seems to have been circulated only through the fiware-pcc 
>> mailing list.  Despite the fiware-pcc includes representatives of 
>> companies that lead some WP, and Jose asked in the email where the 
>> dates for the review were communicated that all WPLs should attend, 
>> it's true that we should have sent an email to the fiware-wpl and 
>> fiware-wpa mailing lists.  This was our fault and we apologize for 
>> that ... However, I rather believe the dates has also been commented 
>> a couple of times during the joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcalls ... 
>> maybe in some confcall you were not present, I don't know.
>>   Regarding conflicts with the webinars, we thought there were no 
>> particular conflicts having them in parallel to the review but, of 
>> course, there may be special cases.    I believe you are on time to 
>> change this but you have to react quickly because we have asked the 
>> UC projects to provide their input by end of this week (although I'm 
>> afraid we may need to extend the deadline).  Note that what is 
>> critical is that the two webinars are scheduled before the end of the 
>> year, the first during November (preferably before the review).
>>   Best regards,
>> -- Juanjo
>> -------------
>> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>> website:www.tid.es
>> email:jhierro at tid.es
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>> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect
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>> On 07/11/12 10:30, Matteo Melideo wrote:
>>> Dear Miguel,
>>> to whom has this been communicated?
>>> I personally cannot find any official communication about this and, 
>>> in any case, it is crazy to communicate such important dates three 
>>> weeks before the event!!!
>>> Despite all, in those days they have been also planned some webinars!!!
>>> BR,
>>> M.
>>> Il 07/11/2012 10:02, Miguel Carrillo ha scritto:
>>>> Dear Matteo, dear all,
>>>> The review will take place on Nov 28-29 ( Beaulieu 25, Brussels, 
>>>> room 0/S10)
>>>> It was announced by Juanjo, if I remember well. Monday, 26 and 
>>>> Tuesday, 27 will be the rehearsal.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Miguel
>>>> El 07/11/2012 9:13, Matteo Melideo escribió:
>>>>> Dear Uwe,
>>>>> in addition to this I was wondering if it is not the case to have 
>>>>> a short report on the outcome of this event in Seville.
>>>>> BR
>>>>> M.
>>>>> P.S.
>>>>> Any idea when the review will be? Sorry if for any reason I missed 
>>>>> the mail with dates.
>>>>> Il 07/11/2012 06:43, Riss, Uwe ha scritto:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> After the event in Seville should not have a clear view what we 
>>>>>> should present in Brussels. Therefore I suggest that we put the 
>>>>>> planning of the review agenda on top of the agenda of the next 
>>>>>> WPL/WPA call since time is running.
>>>>>> I already sent a suggestion for an agenda to Juanjo that he may 
>>>>>> revise and put up for discussion.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Uwe
>>>>>> *Dr. Uwe Riss**
>>>>>> *Senior Researcher, New Assets & Bussiness Model Innovation   |   
>>>>>> SAP Research Karlsruhe
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>>>>>> 16810936   |   mailto:uwe.riss at sap.com <mailto:uwe.riss at sap.com>
>>>>>> www.sap.com <http://www.sap.com/>
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>>>>>> Statements:__http://www.sap.com/company/legal/impressum.epx
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>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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