Dear Juanjo and all, I agree with Stefano that we should introduce the demo by a testbed presentation at least to introduce what we will use during the demo. For the story-board of the demo, I think we have it but it is not fully align with Smart Cities but as we have to support many UC projects I do not think this is a major point which could take lots of time. As explained before the review in Seville, we will not do the same speech during the review in Brussels especially for the exploitation part so what is really expected. Going through all individual exploitation plans would take hours and could push reviewers to ask new questions if all the exploitations plans are not aligned. Could you clarify what are your expectations regarding this point? BR Thierry De : fiware-pcc-bounces at [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at] De la part de stefano de panfilis Envoyé : jeudi 8 novembre 2012 22:04 À : Garino Pierangelo Cc : fiware-pcc at; fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at Objet : Re: [Fiware-pcc] [Fiware-wpl] Draft agenda proposal for the FI-WARE Project Review dear juanjo and all, in addition to the points of pier which i fully buy (although not completely sure we should have the full consortium perhaps juanjo and jose must verify this with arian) i have the following minor points: 1. i realise there is no "official" presentation of the testbed this migth be fine, but requires some serious slides in others presentations (yours?). in this context it is important to show the current usage and effort we are doing. 2. the live demo must have a common story to tell otherwise they are difficult and boring to follow. my suggestion is to create a simple story around smart city as it was the core topic of the day in seville. 3 the exploitation day, crtically important given the questions and the push they gave in seville, should be well characterised as such. i suggest also for this day all the presentations to share the same structure and be very much conving statements instead of inspiring thougths ... ciao, stefano 2012/11/8 Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at<mailto:pierangelo.garino at>> Dear Juanjo, dear All, the draft looks fine to me, I want just mention two points which might be relevant for the meeting (the first one being the most important): 1) There was a discussion at the last review meeting about the lack of a consistent risk management plan. We had a long discussion between first and second review day, then we had put this point in the agenda of WPL/WPA calls since this summer, but since then we never moved forward. Although this is not one of the checkpoints, I would expect this issue will come out again during the discussions at the review, therefore we should be prepared to answer properly. 2) The second FI-WARE Open Call closed officially yesterday. Obviously this is to be verified (maybe no proposal was submitted!), but if we find out there is a good participation level, it would be worth mentioning this fact as well in the achievements session. Finally, I remember that some of the reviewers, offline, expressed the pity of not having one representative per partner at the review, to talk to them about the project. Maybe it will be necessary having more partner representatives in any case due to the demo setup, and on the other hand sometimes having all the partners might create more troubles than not having them (e.g. provide contradictory answers), however I would suggest we take also this possible aspect into account. BR Pier ________________________________________ From: fiware-wpl-bounces at<mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at> [fiware-wpl-bounces at<mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at>] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro [jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at>] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 8:01 PM To: fiware-wpl at<mailto:fiware-wpl at>; fiware-wpa at<mailto:fiware-wpa at>; fiware-pcc at<mailto:fiware-pcc at> Subject: [Fiware-wpl] Draft agenda proposal for the FI-WARE Project Review Dear colleagues, Please find enclosed a first draft agenda for our FI-WARE Project Review meeint on Nov 28-29. I have structured it according to the following rationale * First day: * First we start providing a summary of the status, underlying major achievements (availability of the Testbed, FI-WARE Catalogue, selection of beneficiaries from 1st Open Call ...) and activities we have carried out to recover. The message to bring is that we have made quite a hughe effort to bring the project to a state where we have recover from major issues. We will also give a glimpse on what comes next: evolution of FI-WARE GEs and further integration of FI-WARE GEs, everything targeted to deliver the second Release and the launch of the FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab * Second we will directly go to the demo to show that it's not just about words, but software that works, also to illustrate that we have a vision on how FI-WARE GEs together fit the needs of the different stakeholders: developers, application providers and end users. * Third we will elaborate, one by one, on the different checkpoints, to show that we have covered them or have made good progress addressing them. * What comes next during the first day is relatively auxiliary. The previous points are the ones which will determine whether we will succeed or not :-) * Second day: * Despite we have addressed checkpoint 11 in the first day (as one of the checkpoints), it would be worth to elaborate on exploitation plans further and report on what has been done in that WP. Since reviewers and the EC have always pointed out this is a critical point, I believe it was worth resuming the second day covering the business and exploitation related aspects again. We may even refine some of the messages delivered in the previous day. * Rest of the day is more or less standard ... probably highlight that during the presentation of the collaboration, communication and dissemination we will elaborate on new processes established with UC projects Your comments are welcome. Our plan is to send it by EOB tomorrow, so please react quickly. Cheers, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website:<><> email: jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at><mailto:jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at>> twitter:<> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. 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