[Fiware-wpl] Proposal on caretakers and duration of presentations covering FI-WARE Project Review checkpoints

Matteo Melideo matteo.melideo at eng.it
Fri Nov 9 11:10:00 CET 2012

Always concerning the exploitation, I also remember that the reviewers 
explicitly asked for Directors or Company decision makers from SAP, TID, 
TELECOM and FRANCETELECOM, and someone else. Has this problem been 
solved with the P.O.?



Il 09/11/2012 09:48, Nuria De-Lama Sanchez ha scritto:
> Thank you Juanjo for all this work.
> I think the agenda is good and I agree with all the comments 
> distributed by the colleagues so far, which have been taken into 
> consideration based on your answers. I would like to add few points to it:
> ·Regarding the *attendance by more partners* I think it could add 
> value provided there is a role for some of these partners. Instead of 
> bringing the whole consortium, which is obviously too big we could 
> select some of the important partners (because of their industrial 
> relevance, importance of work developed in FI-WARE or economic 
> contribution to the project) and recommend their attendance to the 
> meeting. Therefore I would go for a subset of organizations and not 
> the whole group
> ·*Regarding exploitation*in the last review one of the first questions 
> we got was: how much money you will invest to go to a production 
> environment and which are your expectations in terms of ROI? The 
> reviewer (this came from the business angel) said that no one gets 
> engaged in such a big thing without making those calculations. The 
> potential in the market with some estimation/figures should not be 
> disregarded in this review based on the way they insisted in the 
> previous one.
> ·Finally, but you have probably covered this in other presentations I 
> would try to highlight the importance of the Use Case projects in the 
> overall process (It is to say, that their inputs are valuable and are 
> driving part of our work)
> The last point brings me to point out *one issue for the risk 
> management*: FI-WARE has repeated several times that setting up the 
> collaboration with the other projects took quite a lot of time until 
> there was a common understanding. Since new Use Case projects will 
> start in few months (and may be different from the ones we have now), 
> is there a plan prepared by FI-WARE to address this ensuring the 
> smooth transition between Phase I projects and Phase II projects?
> I hope it helps,
> cid:349045816 at 01072011-3195
> *Nuria de Lama*
> Research & Innovation
> Representative to the European Commission
> T +34 91214 9321
> F +34 91754 3252
> nuria.delama at atosresearch.eu <mailto:nuria.delama at atosresearch.eu>
> Albarracín 25
> 28037 Madrid
> Spain
> www.atosresearch.eu <http://www.atosresearch.eu>
> es.atos.net
> cid:349045816 at 01072011-319C
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu 
> [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] *On Behalf Of *Juanjo Hierro
> *Sent:* viernes, 09 de noviembre de 2012 8:43
> *To:* fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu
> *Subject:* [Fiware-wpl] Proposal on caretakers and duration of 
> presentations covering FI-WARE Project Review checkpoints
> Hi all,
>   Here you are a shared spreadsheet where I have tried to capture my 
> proposal on caretakers and duration of presentations covering FI-WARE 
> Project Review checkpoints:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGGeaQGro3fdGdrV1dZX2ZPMi1pWDlJQVF5anJIalE#gid=0
>   For each of the checkpoints I have proposed:
>   * A target duration of the presentation at the review.  This is
>     obviously a first take, i.e., something to discuss on Monday.
>   * A proposal on who may present the slides elaborating on how we
>     have covered the point
>   * A proposal on the team I believe must work on the slides.   Of
>     course, additional volunteers are welcome.
>   * Some comments regarding aspects to be takent into account during
>     preparation of the slides. Feel free to add any additional
>     comments that may be relevant.
>   Hope you will find this useful as preparation for our joint 
> WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall where this will be certainly one of the 
> points addressed.
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website:www.tid.es  <http://www.tid.es>
> email:jhierro at tid.es  <mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect
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