[Fiware-wpl] Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Wed Nov 14 13:53:00 CET 2012

Dear Jose,

thank you for the hint, I have already extended the poll accordingly.
Hopefully one of the new timeslots fits better.

Best regards,

From: JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO [mailto:jimenez at tid.es]
Sent: Mittwoch, 14. November 2012 13:18
To: Fasse, Axel
Cc: 'fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu'; 'fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu'; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO; 'Carmen Perea Escribano' (carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu); Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: RE: [Fiware-wpl] Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

I have answered the doodle, but I am afraid I have a very crowded agenda for next week. I'd rather do it this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon


De: Fasse, Axel [mailto:axel.fasse at sap.com]
Enviado el: miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012 13:04
CC: 'fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu'; 'fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu'; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO; 'Carmen Perea Escribano' (carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu); Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu
Asunto: RE: [Fiware-wpl] Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

Dear Jose,

thank you very much for the offer to have an alignment of the "key messages" .
I have established a doodle-poll to find a timeslot for this discussion


It would be very helpful if you can provide your answer until tomorrow 15:00.

Best regards,

From: fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO
Sent: Mittwoch, 14. November 2012 12:16
To: 'fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu'; 'Carmen Perea Escribano' (carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu<mailto:carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu>); Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; 'fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu'; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
Subject: Re: [Fiware-wpl] Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

Dear all

I see no responses to my proposal of a short audio to review the strategy for the review.

I have had a short audio with Juan preparing the review, You can see the main conclusions at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFov9d15HPZXw0WP3dBz8dKXpth-Ck-4Z34h8ph6A0Y/edit#<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFov9d15HPZXw0WP3dBz8dKXpth-Ck-4Z34h8ph6A0Y/edit>

If you think we should have a audio discussion, please feel free to suggest the time ( I can do it this afternoon and tomorrow). Otherwise, please see the plan in the google docs and propose changes. We shall send you a new version of the presentations  by Monday


Enviado el: miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012 9:22
Para: 'fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu'; 'Carmen Perea Escribano' (carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu<mailto:carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu>); Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; 'fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu'; MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO
Asunto: RE: Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

Dear all

Connected to this issue, I think it may be useful to present a summary of the exploitation plans of the different partners. We could go very briefly at the review through that

I have created a short summary of what you have informed.


1)      Please review/change the data

2)      Suggestions on the best way to present it

Note: I am not sure if the current list is reaching all interested parties. Could you (Miguel, Juan) check that?

Please do not forget about the mail I sent yesterday - attached (regarding a possible audio today to review commercialization strategy)


Enviado el: martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012 17:54
Para: fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; 'Carmen Perea Escribano' (carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu<mailto:carmen.perea at atosresearch.eu>); Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena; fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Asunto: Preparation of review. Commercial aspects

Dear all

As agreed in the WPL meeting, we need to start preparing commercial part of the review. See link <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGGeaQGro3fdGdrV1dZX2ZPMi1pWDlJQVF5anJIalE#gid=1>

I have prepared an initial list of items to be considered. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFov9d15HPZXw0WP3dBz8dKXpth-Ck-4Z34h8ph6A0Y/edit#<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFov9d15HPZXw0WP3dBz8dKXpth-Ck-4Z34h8ph6A0Y/edit>

As indicated, I think we need to have presentations of all relevant companies that were not present in Seville. (just a short overview)

We could have a short meeting to discuss it Wednesday or Thursday afternoon if you have comments.  Would it be possible tomorrow at 16.00?


Jose Jimenez
Telefónica I+D
Tf +34 914 832 660
jimenez at tid.es<mailto:jimenez at tid.es>


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