[Fiware-wpl] Feedback from the EC and reviewers regarding the FI-WARE Review

stefano de panfilis stefano.depanfilis at eng.it
Fri Nov 30 16:02:01 CET 2012

dear juanjo and all,

first of all congratulations to you and all for the successful review!!!
this review demontrates that working as team and working with open
mind towards the fi-ppp programme pays, and i had to say, aftyer the
clear success of yesterday in the stockholm tunnel, pays a lot!!!

thank you also for these notes that gave me the chance to understand
the results as i was not able to attend the last part of the review
and the phc of this morning due to the stockholm exercise (did you
noticed i twitted it???)


2012/11/30 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>:
> Dear all,
>   Please find below my very raw notes of the feedback provided by Arian.   I
> couldn't take note of everything, but I believe is 90% complete.
>   I take the advantage of this mail to thank you for your great effort since
> July and the support given to the project by you and teams of your
> chapters/WPs.   We are now "on track" (reviewers have agreed that progress
> can be now considered acceptable) thanks to all this effort.
>   Talk to you on Monday, during our regular joint WPLs/WPAs confcall at
> 11:00am (yes, works have to continue :-)
>   Cheers,
> -- Juanjo
>   Introduction:
>   The review report to be submitted in draft format just before Christmas.
> This feedback is prior to that.
>   Highs:
> Appreciated very much the efforts.   It is clear that efforts have indeed
> been made.
> Dealing with submission/resubmission, they recognized the so large number of
> deliverables that were submitted.   It clearly should be considered an
> achievement in itself.
> More coherence between the partners.   Acting as a team more than in
> previous reviews.
> Dissemination in some areas (Smart Cities) ongoing.   They appreciate this.
> Technical support documentation has improved.
> Users' guide and unit testing plan are in the right direction
> Tools WP in the right direction.   Concern here about the adoption of the
> IDE inside FI-WARE (eat your own dog food)
> Security area progressing well.   Welcome initiatives regarding involvement
> of other projects in other units.
> They liked the Architecture Weeks and how they continued with the webinars.
> They hope we will continue with them for the second phase and record
> webinars, making them available to the general public.
>   Lows:
> Not enough eating our own dog food.   Example: FI-CoDE development
> environment within FI-WARE.
> Service Composition Area: didn't see the real need for so many composition
> technologies.   This has now been clarified.   However, the withdrawal of
> Ericsson and DT leads to the need to seriously consider how to move forward.
> SMART Cities is a good area to look but not the only one.   Please take a
> broader approach.
> Exploitation:   Good analysis but didn't see how this translates into the
> plan.   They have seen slides in Sevilla about the plans, but they are not
> so clearly documented in the deliverables.
> Technical documentations has improved but still needs to be improved.
> Big need to have the whitepaper.   This because it is clear the need to
> explain how FI-WARE GE can be used and the whitepaper can be a good
> instrument.
> Catalogue as published very helpful, but we have to go a step further and
> try to create entries related to what may correspond to packages of several
> FI-WARE GEs that support concrete usage patterns.   Catalogue should also
> answer what can be done with GEs more clearly.   Shouldn't only be targeted
> to developers but other audience who take decisions on technology adoption.
> You shouldn't wait to have things (website, catalogue, etc) until they are
> perfect.     More "Agile" approach requested.
> Still complaining about traceability of stakeholders behind features.
> More strategic thinking to standardization is needed.   They will come with
> more concrete recommendations in the review report draft.
>   Recommendations:
> Focus should be moved into adoption and use.   "Successful program" vs
> "Successful project".   Define process to incorporate results from third
> projects.
> Usability aspects: packaging of FI-WARE GEs and how such "packages" support
> certain usage patterns.   Explained through the whitepaper but also in the
> FI-WARE Catalogue.
> Convincing Use Cases / Showcases not just relying on what UC projects may
> develop.   Try to define/develop ones.   Live demo in the right direction.
> Don't wait until perfection but good enough.  Be more "Agile" (this is also
> related to "eat your own dog")
> Capacity Building project and UC trials may run some support issues.   More
> attention is needed to define how this can be solved.   You should come with
> an approach about how to deal with support issues.   Creation of trackers
> per GE in the right direction.
> Recommendations about standardization efforts in the BigData and Cloud area
> will come.
> Very draft ideas regarding 3rd Open Call.  FI-WARE should come soon with a
> draft text for the Call they wish to review.
> Not sure whether it is realistic to use all the budget for the 3rd Open
> Call.
> Amendment: a lot of changes.   We have to be flexible in resource
> allocation.   If you need to reallocate, reallocate.
> List of GEs: need to extend the existing list with the complete list
> involving the GEs planned in Releases 2, so that everybody gets a clear
> picture on what is going on.   They understand that this information was
> available in the FI-WARE Architecture document and the Technical Roadmap but
> they like the idea of having a list like the one that currently exists for
> Release 1 covering also Release 2.
> 4 specifications regarding composition technologies.   However, the
> implementation of two of them will not be available because partners have
> withdrawn.  It makes sense to allocate the effort that was allocated there
> to the other GEs so that they become more generic.
>   Take up of previous recommendations:
> Some were addressed, some of them not completely addressed.   Some others
> obsolete.   They will review them but will highlight some:
> Architecture encompassing:  should be addressed through explanation of usage
> patterns.
> 1.3.5 about Open Innovation Lab: clarification about relationship with
> Capacity Building project.   Among other aspects, support issues.
> 1.3.6 developers communities.   Ok to rely in 3rd Open Call but should do
> more.
> Not constrained about project allocation.   From the point of view of the
> EC, efforts allocation described in the DoW should be considered tentative.
> Website.   Some improvements already, but need more work.
> Clarification of GE vs Complementary Enabler should be clarified.
> GE documentation has improved but traceability have to be introduced.
> whitepaper urgently needed.
> FI-WARE Software Releases done
> SAP GEs delivery done
> FI-WARE Testbed delivered
> webinars very much appreciated and have to be broaden to third parties
> through videos and public webinars.
> Developers community
> Live demo was done and they will encourage to bring them also in next
> reviews.
> Point 11.e which was availability of GEs beyond FI-WARE has to be extended
> not only regarding the current list of GEs available but for those that will
> come
>   Overall:
>   Project will be marked acceptable.
>   Q&A:
>   Jose Jimenez elaborated on the fact that it is now a pity that some UC
> projects in phase 1 get discontinued because that means that a lot of
> know-how and background that was acquired (and indeed meant a significant
> investment by all) may be lost.   He wondered whether mechanisms could be
> put in place to allow them to continue and find proper funding for the
> efforts that would require, maybe if not in this program, in others.
> Arian responded that there was nothing than may prevent them to use the Open
> Innovation Lab.   A different issue is the funding, but that may come from
> another programs and definitively the FI-PPP should welcome projects funded
> by other programs to be able to join the FI-PPP and carry out their
> activities taking advantage of the FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab, for
> instance.    Jose Jimenez asked whether the EC could take a more proactive
> role here and either incorporate recommendations in the calls of those
> programs or at least certain value this aspect in evaluation of proposals.
> Regarding that, Arian suggested that a letter is written and sent to the
> Head of Unit (Jesus Villasante).
>   Juanjo asked about acceptance/rejection of deliverables: Answer: they
> cannot provide information about acceptance/rejection of deliverables
> because they didn't have time to discuss this in detail but that information
> will come in the draft review report before Christmas.   Nevertheless, they
> can anticipate that judgement will take into account the more strategic and
> forward-looking approach they believe should be taken now.   Also,
> considering the fact that some of the deliverables will anyway need to be
> evolved and submitted again accompanying Release 2.
>   Juanjo commented his personal concern about traceability of features.
> This might be a very nice academic exercise but requires time, may imply
> re-structuring things and distract focus.   Juanjo asked the PO and
> reviewers to be careful here.   Arian welcome the feedback.
> --
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website: www.tid.es
> email: jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

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