[Fiware-wpl] PS - IMPORTANT: Next steps regarding review of FI-WARE Architecture and Open Specifications

Riss, Uwe uwe.riss at sap.com
Thu Oct 4 10:44:51 CEST 2012

Hi all,

Please keep in mind that no WPL has  to introduce new open-spec pages - you merely have to administrate the list on https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Open_specification_resubmission_cockpit of your GEs, which the GE provider will/should follow.

The original information provided might have been a bit confusing in this respect.

Best regards,

Dr. Uwe Riss
Senior Researcher, Internet Applications & Services   |   SAP Research Karlsruhe
SAP AG   |   Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1   |   76131 Karlsruhe   |   Germany

T +49 6227 7-70212   |   F +49 6227 78-26158   |   M +49 151 16810936   |   mailto: uwe.riss at sap.com<mailto:uwe.riss at sap.com>

Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements: http://www.sap.com/company/legal/impressum.epx

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