[Fiware-wpl] New wiki add on: semi-automatically copy of pages between wikis

Sandfuchs, Thorsten thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com
Thu Jan 10 10:00:44 CET 2013

Dear colleagues,

tired of moving a complex page from your private wiki to the public one - especially if there are a ton of images, you need to download all of them manually and upload them to the new wiki... puh. This really is annoying, isn't it? Well now it "was" annoying J

With the functionality we had at hand for the deliverable generation, we tried to do more "good" and hopefully succeeded in stabilizing the following functionality for the wikis:

Designated people will now be able to "copy" pages (including all inline images) between wikis easily. This works as follows:

*       Visit a page in any of the wikis, that you would like to "copy " - in the picture I wanted to copy the "FI-WARE Who is Who" page from the fi-ware-private wiki
*       Press a bookmarklet "FI-WARE copy page" on your browser. As the javascript gets executed, there is a popup-window which informs you what will happen:


*       Now you confirm with "OK" and you will be redirected to the admin-cockpit special page to copy pages
*       Follow the instructions and fill the drop-down menue of the "target-wiki", respectively change the name of the wiki page that you would like to introduce with this text in the target wiki.


After this initial manual step, the system takes over and automatically performs the following tasks:

-          Takes the text of the source page and copies it to the target wiki with the new or same name specified in the copy-form

-          Depending on the further options: Fetches every image, which was on the source page, stores it locally and uploads it to the new wiki with the same name

-          Introduces a "This page has moved to a different wiki" in the source page in order to inform the editors of the change

The detail of this and how to enable your browser to do this is documented here: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/FIWARE.Deliverables.GeneratingDeliverables.Adminpart#Copy_a_page_Bookmarklet


-          You need access (separate username/password) - contact Thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com<mailto:Thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com>

-          You need access (IP-based) to the admin system on - this should be already the case for most of the people - if not: please contact the testbed team e.g. HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS (henar at tid.es)<mailto:henar at tid.es)>)

Future steps and limitations:

-          Nominate at least one "designated" person per workpackage (if not as well all WPL/WPAs) to use this functionality

-          Currently you can only select wikis where "ths" has an account on (as the background-system tasks is done via this account) - if you need this functionality in "your" wiki, you have talk to Thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com<mailto:Thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com>

-          Hopefully integrate the user/account provisioning with the forge (still to be assessed)

Any questions and further ideas on how to exploit this in other use cases & for the preparation of the FI-WARE version 2, just let me know!

Best regards,



Thorsten Sandfuchs


SAP Research Center Karlsruhe

Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1

D - 76131 Karlsruhe


Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements: http://www.sap.com/company/legal/impressum.epx

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