[Fiware-wpl] Fwd: Update on organization of the Campus Party

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Fri Jul 26 14:58:03 CEST 2013


-- Juanjo

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Update on organization of the Campus Party
Date:   Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:06:50 +0200
From:   Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
To:     ab at fi-ppp.eu<mailto:ab at fi-ppp.eu> <ab at fi-ppp.eu><mailto:ab at fi-ppp.eu>

Dear all,

  This is an update of the status about organization of the Campus Party.   I copy the previous messages on the matter so that you keep all the information within the same email.   I can further elaborate during our confcall this afternoon.

  Apparently, Mrs Neelie Kroes has confirmed attendance to the session on the main stage targeted to the description of the FI-PPP, FI-WARE and the launch of the FI-WARE OIL.   Most likely, the session will be organized so that some young entrepreneurs can manifest their interest in FI-WARE technologies.   The whole intention is that "others explain how good FI-WARE is instead of us.   Conversations with potential candidates are underway.   Some of them are "Young Advisors" to Mrs. Neelie kroes.

  The first of the two sessions at the developers' stage will be used to provide more technical details about FI-WARE.   We will also announce and provide more details about the challenges to be launched:

  *    on-site challenge ("call for ideas") to be run at the Campus Party.   20.000 EUR on awards structured as follows:
     *   10.000 EUR in prizes based on overall ranking:
        *   6.000 EUR for 1st
        *   3.000 EUR for 2nd position
        *   1.500 EUR for third position
        *   500    EUR for fourth position
     *   10.000 EUR in special jury awards, e.g.:
        *   Young developer
        *   Best Cloud App
        *   Best IoT-based App
        *   ...
  *   1st thematic challenge (another two will be announced in subsequent Campus Party events).   Still not closed but initial proposal was to make this 1st thematic challenge targeted to Smart Cities
     *   1st place:75,000 EUR
     *   2nd place: 40,000 EUR
     *   3rd place: 25,000EUR
     *   10 Smaller Prizes of 2,000 EUR

  *   Main (global) challenge:
     *   1st place: 150,000 EUR
     *   2nd place: 75,000 EUR
     *   3rd place: 40,000 EUR
     *   10 Smaller Prizes of 2,500 EUR

  We have planned to elaborate on some application areas during the second of the two sessions at the developers' stage.   Here we are trying to setup a panel (round table) session with Mayors of a number of cities who can elaborate on their plans regarding transformation of their cities in smart cities and how they envision FI-WARE can help them in that respect.    Any suggestion is welcome.

  It might be feasible to run a short video describing some of the UC projects during any of the two sessions at the developers' stage (still to be determined), but we need to know it ASAP so we can close the agenda of the sessions.   Interested UC projects have to contact us urgently and provide us with info about available videos (e.g., a link so that we can watch it and understand where it could fit).

  We will run 3 two-hour workshops targeted to introduce FI-WARE and assist developers in development of applications they can submit to the on-site challenge/hackaton ("call for ideas") we will run at the Campus Party:

  *   "Developing your first application using FI-WARE"
     *   This is intended to provide a tutorial on a number of FI-WARE GEs we understand can be useful to develop many applications and will be particularly useful to develop applications in response to the on-site challenge/hackaton run at the Campus Party
     *   During the tutorial, we will explain how an application which deals with management of Lamp posts in the city of Santander has been developed using FI-WARE (Live Demo Application)
     *   Using this Live Demo Application as an example, we will explain (showing code examples): how to gather and publish context information, how to develop mashable applications and how to connect to physical sensors/actuators (Internet of Things) using FI-WARE.   We will also provide pointers to further investigate other useful features (e.g., Complex Event Processing or BigData Analysis)
     *   We will also show how to develop simple software which can run on Raspberri Pi boxes for gathering context information from connected sensors which can be submitted for consumption by applications deployed on the FI-WARE Cloud.  We will also show how to develop simple software which can run in Raspberri Pi boxes and can be programmed from applications deployed on the FI-WARE Cloud to act upon connected actuators.
  *   "FI-WARE Cloud: bringing OpenStack to the next level"
     *   This workshop is focused in providing a tutorial on the functionalities of the FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab Cloud and how it extends basic OpenStack capabilities
     *   We will also provide a tutorial on other portals at the FI-WARE OIL site, particularly the portals dealing with management of Accounts information and the Application Store.
     *   We may also allocate part of the sesion to explain how to connect applications running on Raspberri Pi boxes to applications running on the FI-WARE Cloud (somehow revisiting that part of the first workshop)
  *   "How to enhance the User Experience adding powerful 3D, Augmented Reality and media processing effects with FI-WARE"
     *   This workshop is intended to introduce some FI-WARE GEs which will be part of FI-WARE Release 3 but rely on baseline products that already work and can be presented to developers at the Campus Party.  That way, developers can try to develop some nice applications they can submit in response to the on-site challenge.   Due to their nature, we believe they can attract a significant audience
     *   First hour of this workshop is intended to provide an overview of FI-WARE GEs that will enable development of Web-based User Interfaces supporting 3D and AR features.
     *   Second hour of this workshop is intended to provide an overview of FI-WARE GEs that will enable processing of multimedia streams.

  We will foster attendance to the workshops because we will give 100 Raspberri Pi boxes for free to people who will attend the first and second workshops (there is space for aprox. 50 people at each of the workshops).   They can keep their Raspberri Pi boxes after the Campus Party if they have submitted an application using FI-WARE in response to the on-site challenge/hackaton.  We are still working on the details for this process.

  We will also distribute another 40-50 Raspberri PIs with sensors and actuators connected.    The idea is to organize an activity for distributing sensors across the campus and publish data gathered from those sensors which can then be exploited by applications to be developed by the campuseros.    Sensors will measure light, humidity, temperature, presence.   There will be also on/off actuators, so that people can develop applications that can switch connected devices on/off, (lights, computers, robots, whatever).   Thus, for example, developers may design an application which measures "where is the hottest place at the Campus" :-)   We are still working on the details for this process.

  There will be a 8m x 6.4m stand where we can provide general info about the FI-PPP, FI-WARE or UC projects while at the Campus.   We welcome UC projects who may wish to use this stand to advertise their projects.   However, we urgently need a list of requirements on your side: screens you may need, etc.

  Besides all the above, apparently there is a free two-hour workshop slot that CP organizers are offering us for FI-PPP activities.   Maybe some UC project, or several UC projects jointly, wish to organize some workshop on their projects.

  Campus Party is planning to have a general ceremony where all the prizes, of all hackatons/challenges run at the Campus Party, will be presented to their winners. We understand that Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn will take part in this. Alternatively, a separate award ceremony specifically for the FI-WARE prizes could be organized which then would be presented by Mrs Neelie Kroes or a person chosen by her.   We are awating for feedback from Neelie Kroes' gabinet.

  We are working on a set of promotional material.   FI-WARE t-shirts, FI-PPP+FI-WARE sweatshirts (only for partners of the FI-PPP attending the CP) and promotional wrist straps (similar to those at the FIA dublin)

  Don't forget to register your attendance at:

  I believe this is all.   Cheers,

-- Juanjo

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: IMPORTANT UPDATE about FI-PPP/FI-WARE presence at the Campus Party
Date:   Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:43:51 +0200
From:   Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
To:     ab at fi-ppp.eu<mailto:ab at fi-ppp.eu> <ab at fi-ppp.eu><mailto:ab at fi-ppp.eu>, SB at fi-ppp.eu<mailto:SB at fi-ppp.eu> <SB at fi-ppp.eu><mailto:SB at fi-ppp.eu>

  Just a new udpate on the Campus Party event.   We have received confirmation that we would have 100 free tickets for attendance to the Campus Party.

  I take this opportunity to remind you that:

  *   we would rather appreciate it if people planning to attend the Campus Party event can register their name at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqGGeaQGro3fdDdhaC1hOTZHYWpXT0tGMDlLOHpwRnc#gid=0
  *   we have created a task force and mailing list dealing with discussion on the design of Campus Party activities, ec.  Please let me know if you want to get involved.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

On 02/07/13 13:10, Juanjo Hierro wrote:

Dear all,

  Last Friday we received a proposal from Futura Networks (organizer of the Campus Party and selected as new FI-WARE partner as a result of the 3rd Open Call) on the agenda of concrete events they propose for the Campus Party event in London (September 3-7).   This was in response to the original list of requirements we sent to them (Nuria and I belive also Arian Zwegers presented our tentative list of requirements in the last SB meeting).   The proposal of Futura Networks basically refines the number and allocation of the different FI-PPP/FI-WARE slots, which was the urgent thing to resolve in the first place.

  This is the summary:

  *   On Tuesday 3rd morning, the following agenda has been programmed:
     *   1 hour slot from 10am to 11:00am on Tuesday 3rd where the FI-PPP program will be introduced and the launch of the FI-WARE OIL will be officially anounced.
        *   It's free to us how we organize this and who are going to be the speakers
        *   Neelie Kroes will be on Monday 2nd but she may extend her stay during morning of Tuesday 3rd as to make the announcement (let's say it being 15' of the total of 60')
        *   content-wise, we shall introduce the FI-PPP, the role and high-level vision of FI-WARE, an overview of the UC projects and the opportunities for SMEs and entrepreneurs in phase 3.  However, presentations should be rather dynamic, forget about classical "business as usual" presentations like the ones in FP7 ordinary events.
        *   also content-wise, we shall announce the challenges that we will launch both on-line challenges run as hackatons (prizes around 3.000 EUR for first, 1.000 EUR second) as well as the other main challenges for which a duration of several months will be given (FI-WARE has programmed a main challenge with prizes of 100KEUR, 60KEUR and 40KEUR for the first three finalist, and at least three challenges, each with prizes of 70KEUR and 30KEUR for the first two finalist)

  *   On Tuesday 3rd afternoon, the following agenda has been programmed:
     *   1 hour slot on the developers' stage, from 15:00 to 16:00 where:
        *   we shall have an invited speaker who will help us to attract audience and works as evangelist of FI-WARE and the FI-PPP
        *   we shall try to provide more hints about what FI-WARE delivers, from a developers' perspective
        *   we may provide some info about phase 3 and UC projects Open Calls and point audience to the booth/exhibilition area that FI-WARE will have
        *   we shall provide more details about FI-WARE OIL: how to get there, create an account, quick tour about major services available through the site portal, etc
        *   we shall give more details about the challenges (small on-site and large beyond the CP)
        *   we should end pushing audience to go to the 1st workshop right after
        *   Again, presentations should be rather dynamic, forget about classical "business as usual" presentations like the ones in FP7 ordinary events.
     *   A first 2-hour FI-WARE workshop from 16:00 to 18:00

  *   On Wednesday 4th morning, we will run a second 2-hour FI-WARE workshop from 10:00am to 12:00pm

  *   On Wednesday 4th afternoon, we would run an agenda similar to the one on Tuesday afternoon:
     *   1 hour slot on the developers' stage, from 15:00 to 16:00
     *   A third 2-hour FI-WARE workshop from 16:00 to 18:00

  *   There is nothing programmed on Thursday although we envision this day will be devoted to provide support to people working on the challenges, Q&A at the booth/exhibition area, etc.

  *   On Friday afternoon/evening, prizes will be given to winners of the challenges/hackatons run on-site during the week

  Besides all this, already mentioned, we will have a booth/exhibition area where we may provide further info about FI-WARE, UC projects, UC expansion during phase 3 of the program, etc.

  Campus Party is a huge event, so a lot of things happens there and we it will actually be a challenge to make FI-WARE visible and gain attraction among attendees.    The good news is that we have a prominent presence there.   Just as an example, Google only runs one 2-hour slot workshop.   The bold statement I wish to make is that this cannot be organized as the usual FP7 events we are used to.   In that respect, we will rely on Futura Networks / E3 Futura and Ogilvy to organize our participation/presence and we'll follow their advice with regards to the design and preparation of the contents.   We have to trust on them who are the real professionals in these matters.

  We will create a task force (with a dedicated mailing list) where we will work the details about contents of the different sessions, etc.   Please let me know whom from the FI-PPP Dissemination Working Group wishes to be member of that list (those who will join be sure there may be homework you may get assigned, be aware of that :-)   We will periodically report on progress.

  Campus Party is our first big external event and we have to make the most to be rather visible.   Therefore, we would love that most of you attend the party !   We have asked architects and developers of the different FI-WARE GEis to attend the event.   I believe it would be also worth asking architects and developers from the several UC projects to attend.   Among other things, it will give them the opportunity to attend the planned FI-WARE workshops and interact with FI-WARE GEi developers which I believe would be quite beneficial.    There will be few opportunities like this and indeed it comes at the right time of the overall FI-PPP planning.

  Tickets have to be purchased to attend the Campus but we are negotiating a number of free tickets.

  We need to know who will go because we would like to order a number of FI-PPP polos that we will ask people to wear during the event.  It  may also help us to determine how many free-tickets we may ask for (let's see how many we may get).   In order to gather this info, please add a row with your info in the following spreadsheet:


  The Campus Party London event will take place in the "O2 Arena".  Info about the venue can be found at: http://www.campus-party.eu/2013/getting-to-the-o2.html.   Campuseros go there and stay in tends during the night ... that would give you the best insights about what an event like this means :-)   However, if you prefer to stay in a hotel, it's up to you.

    Campus Party is a huge event with big visibility in media and the wide community of geeks.   Several thousand "campuseros" are expected in London.   Last recent news can be followed at (http://www.campus-party.eu).    You can get a clue of what a Campus Party is by watching the following videos:


  Don't hesitate to ask any question or doubt you may have.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect

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  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
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