[Fiware-wpl] Revised version of cockpit on planned usage of GE by UC projects (was Re: Request from Xifi project)

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Fri May 3 03:13:18 CEST 2013

Dear all,

  Just to let you know, I have updated the spreadsheet in Google docs in preparation of the AB meeting tomorrow.   You can take a look at it:

  There are three sheets there:

  *   FI-WARE GEi (1st Release) planned usage in Phase 1:   collecting info about usage of GEs delivered in FI-WARE Release 1 that UC projects reported in phase 1
  *   FI-WARE GEi (2nd Release) planned usage in Phase 1:   collecting info about planned usage of GEs announced in FI-WARE Release 2 that UC projects reported in phase 1
  *   FI-WARE GEi (2nd Release) planned usage in Phase 2:   which is the info we now have to collect from UC projects in phase 2

  You will notice that I have added new rows regarding FI-WARE GEs in the third sheet.   They match new FI-WARE GEs to be incorporated in Release 2.   I have added a column to label those FI-WARE GEs that were already there in Release 1.

  I filled the values of those UC projects that are continuation of some project(s) in Phase 1.   I did it by extrapolation but of course they will be requested to double-check their input.

  All WPLs/WPAs are asked to check the information provided.   You know that this cockpit is highly visible and will play an important role in the review as well as during coordination with UC projects.

  Specifically, I would like to highlight the following APs:

  *   @All: to double-check that no FI-WARE GE planned in Release 2 is missing
  *   @I2ND: the cockpit is mostly to monitor planned usage of GEs in the FI-WARE Testbed (or deployed locally).   It's a bit unclear to me how to record information about I2ND GEs other than the Proxy.   Those ones more related to the network won't be testable in the Testbed, as far as I understand.   Also I see different possibilities to capture infor about the CDI.   I rather welcome your feedback here.
  *   @Cloud: I still believe, like in Release 1, that it doesn't make sense to ask about planned usage of individual FI-WARE Cloud GEs.  Instead, we can/should ask for specific Cloud functionality and check whether UC projects plan to use it.   I hope you agree with the approach but your feedback is welcome.
  *   @Apps: while I believe that it makes sense to refer to the individual Composition/Mediation GEs, I believe that similarly to Cloud, it doesn't make sense to refer to some of the GEs that define the Business Framework separately, namely, the Marketplace, Store, BM&BE editor and RSS GEs.   Therefore, I have gathered all of them together in a "package".  Then, UC projects can more easily respond whether they plan to use that "functional package" or not, depending on whether they plan to setup some sort of Apps Marketplace or not.   Anyhow, your feedback is welcome.

  Please try to provide your input before end of next week.   We should stabilize its contents by that time.

  Best regards,

-- juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect

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On 23/04/13 16:50, thierry.nagellen at orange.com<mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com> wrote:
Hi colleagues

We are currently in a Xifi meeting and they prepare a survey for UC which should target a bit the same things that what we are doing through Architecture Board with UC projects interest into Fi-Ware GE. I've proposed to used the list of GEs available in release 2.2 to be sure to have the right name for each GE.

Do you agree to provide this list? (I hope yes of course) and can I used the spreadsheet in Googledocs for AB  or do we have to update it before to provide it officially to Xifi?

Of course  we should have the same results in Xifi and in the AB but Xifi is also asking in which node they should implement the GE depending the specific trials the UC projects have planned.

Thanks for your support.
Thierry Nagellen
Program Manager Future Internet
Orange Labs Networks & Carriers
905 rue Albert Einstein
06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
+33 492 94 52 84
+33 679 85 08 44


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