[Fiware-wpl] Agile dynamic: Sprint Planning 3.2.2- current status - deadline tomorrow

Wed Nov 6 12:56:45 CET 2013

Dear Partners,

Let me remind you that the sprint planning will be finished tomorrow.
In order to know its current state, find below the dashboard snapshost.

Please, be aware, there's need to deliver the backlog deliverable to the EC. So you'll find the dashboards improved.

Let me some comments:
Apps: 60 items scheduled - Good;
                All enablers have backlog with content.
There are some inconsistent or outdated status; they are marked in red. I'd appreciate they all would be fixed.
Cloud: 57 items scheduled - Good but missing content
                But there are some enablers: ObjectStorage, ScalabilityMgr and ServiceManager whose backlogs are empty.
There are some inconsistent or outdated status; they are marked in red. I'd appreciate they all would be fixed.
IoT:  13 items scheduled - missing content
                Most enablers don't have any content yet: BackendDeviceManagement, GatewayProtocolAdapter, GatewaySecurity, IoTDiscovery, ProtocolAdapterCOAP, ProtocolAdapterEPC, ProtocolAdapterZPA
                Once the previous comment is addressed, I'd also appreciate outdated states and inconsistencies were fixed.
Data: 105 items scheduled - Very Good;
All enablers have backlog with content.
There are some inconsistent or outdated status; they are marked in red. I'd appreciate they all would be fixed.
I2ND: 82 items scheduled - Very Good (considering there're only 4 enablers)
                All enablers have backlogs with content
There are inconsistent or outdated status; they are marked in red. I'd appreciate they all would be fixed.
Special call to CDI enabler to fix the many items in red.
Security: 31 items scheduled - missing content
                There are enablers with empty backlogs: DataHandling, DigitalSelf, One-IDM,
There are inconsistent or outdated status; they are marked in red. I'd appreciate they all would be fixed

I'd appreciate cooperation to fix the issues identified.
Please Alex, Thierry and Pascal, I think your chapters require more attention, specially IoT.

Apps: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3006/FIWARE.backlog.apps.dashboard.20131106.xlsx
Cloud: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3007/FIWARE.backlog.cloud.dashboard.20131106.xlsx
IoT: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3010/FIWARE.backlog.iot.dashboard.20131106.xlsx
Data: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3008/FIWARE.backlog.data.dashboard.20131106.xlsx
I2nd: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3009/FIWARE.backlog.i2nd.dashboard.20131106.xlsx
Security: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/3011/FIWARE.backlog.security.dashboard.20131106.xlsx

If anything, please, don't hesitate to let me know.

Kind regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64


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