[Fiware-wpl] URGENT: LAST REMINDER: Invitation to FITMAN Webinars on FI PPP Phase III

Thomas Michael Bohnert thomas.bohnert at zhaw.ch
Fri Nov 15 08:08:59 CET 2013


We'll make this an action item for the next AB meeting.

Cheers, Thomas

Thomas Michael Bohnert
www: www.cloudcomp.ch
www:  http://tmb.nginet.de
twitter: tmbohnert

On Fri, 2013-11-15 at 06:59 +0000, thierry.nagellen at orange.com wrote:
> Dear all,
> I do not know if you have heard about this FITMAN webinar. Going quickly through the short description of each module it seems that as FI-Ware we must attend some of them because they propose some Specific Enablers which are close to some Generic Enablers: typically for my part (IoT) the ShopFloor DATA Collection could be replace by some IoT GEs but we could be also interested by the one working on Semantic interface.
> Juanjo, Stefano (as member of the Architecture Board because I could not attend the last meeting): do we have some clear architecture picture from FITMAN explaining how their Specific Enablers would interact/use some Generic Enablers?
> BR
> Thierry
> De : Celine Vergne [mailto:celine.vergne at interop-vlab.eu]
> Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2013 14:58
> À : dissemination at interop-vlab.eu
> Objet : LAST REMINDER: Invitation to FITMAN Webinars on FI PPP Phase III
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> INTEROP-VLab Communication (partner of the FITMAN project)
>  [cid:image002.png at 01CEE13F.8B37EB10] <http://www.fitman-fi.eu/>
> Invitation to the FITMAN FI-PPP Phase III Webinar (Nov. 19TH, 2013)
> And to Specific Enablers Webinars (see schedule below)
> Free online webinars
> We would like to invite you to join the FITMAN Phase III webinar on Tuesday 19 November 2013 at 12pm CET. The webinar is for FI-PPP Phase III participants who wish to build on FITMAN work and/or address ICT in manufacturing. It will provide information about FITMAN deliverables, methodologies for SME and web entrepreneur engagement, and other Phase III related information.
> For a detailed agenda, please click here<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/fitman-phase-iii-webinar>
> For registration link, click here<http://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EA50DB83814C3A>
> For more information on the FITMAN Specific Enablers benefits and functionalities, you are invited to join the series of webinars scheduled over the coming days (see programme below).
> Programme of FITMAN Specific Enablers webinars
> Tittle
> Presenter/contact
> Date/time
> Secure Event Management<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/1%20SE%20Webinar_Secure%20event%20management.pdf>
> Salvatore Piccione (TXT E-Solutions)
> 15-11-2013 - 11h CET
> Unstructured and Social Data Analytics<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/2%20SE%20Webinar_Unstructured%20and%20social%20data%20analytics.pdf>
> Fenareti Lampathaki (National Technical University of Athens)
> 25-11-2013- 11h CET
> Data Interoperability Platform Services<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/3%20SE%20Webinar_Data%20interoperability%20platform%20services.pdf>
> Michele Sesana (TXT E-Solutions)
> 19-11-2013- 11h CET
> Collaborative Business Process Management<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/4%20SE%20Webinar_Collaborative%20Business%20Process%20Management.pdf>
> Mauro Isaja (Engineering)
> 21-11-2013- 11h CET
> Metadata and Ontologies Semantic Matching<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/5%20SE%20Webinar_Metadata%20and%20Ontologies%20Semantic%20Matching.pdf>
> Sotiris Kousouris (National Technical University of Athens)
> 22-11-2013- 11h CET
> Supply Chain & Business Ecosystem Apps<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/6%20SE%20Webinar_Supply%20chain%20and%20business%20ecosystem%20apps.pdf>
> Michele Sesana (TXT E-Solutions)
> 22-11-2013 - 15h CET
> Shopfloor Data Collection<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/7%20SE%20Webinar_Shopfloor%20Data%20Collection.pdf>
> Sudeep Ghimire (UNINOVA)
> 27-11-2013- 11h CET
> Collaborative Assets Management<http://www.fitman-fi.eu/admin/news-downloads/8%20SE%20Webinar_Collaborative%20Assets%20Management.pdf>
> Mauro Isaja (Engineering)
> 05-12-2013- 11h CET
> Click on the title to view the full description and registration link.
> If you are interested in engaging with Phase III in the area of ICT for Manufacturing, please book that date on your calendar and participate in the FITMAN Phase III webinar!
> You can send any question about the FITMAN Phase III webinar to: fitman-phase-iii-info at txtgroup.com<mailto:fitman-phase-iii-info at txtgroup.com>
> Best regards,
> Assistant Manager
> in charge of the communication
> www.interop-vlab.eu<http://interop-vlab.eu/>
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