[Fiware-wpl] open Spec (implcit/essential) legal notice - status for consortium & call to action

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Wed Nov 27 08:50:13 CET 2013

   Thanks Thorsten for raising this !   Indeed something to be fixed before the month 30 review (and very easy, btw)


-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>
email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect

FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman

You can follow FI-WARE at:
  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 27/11/13 08:39, Sandfuchs, Thorsten wrote:

Dear colleagues,

Let me make you aware of a task that we send around in apps chapter, but most probably is relevant for "your" chapter as well (see arian email). Although it says "details on how to link will be provided", I think we can't wait any longer for this - and in some sense the task is a) easy and b) clear.

ð  135 pages link still to either the one or the other old open specification legal notice

ð  For 66 pages there was a transition to the "new" open specification legal notice
Frankly: the status & ratio is alarming. :)

Related overview pages to ease up click-through & fixing this:

It is really easy:

1.       Click on both of the link in "OLD" - check if your component still linking wrongly legal notice

2.       Change the link as appropriate to one or the other existing (if you don't know which one to link, as you legal contact, this has been agreed on FI-WARE level!)
Judging by the email send around by arian, they will look into this & we should not have this 135:66 ratio!



(Note: the 135:66 ratio is computed out of the pure links mentioned above - there are some links e.g. the page itself, which might be counted and does not make sense to count - therefore in the end it will not be 135:66 rather 130:63 or something, but excuse this small impreciseness, I think these plus-minus-one is not the point :))

From: fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Heller, Markus
Sent: Montag, 18. November 2013 19:13
To: 'fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>'
Subject: [Fiware-apps] WP3: Check your License open Spec (implcit/essential) correct.....open spec legal notice usage in fi-ware wiki

Hi all,

please make sure that you have your license correctly written in the WIKI, this was a reviewer request. You have chosen implicit or essential license, please update then (most often "interim License" is used in your GEs in WP3).

For SAP GEs we have corrected this, feel inspired. See what we wrote for Marketplace as an example (we chose essential ...) --> http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.Apps.Marketplace

You can check your license with these related overview pages to ease up click-through & fixing this:

Who used new license "essential" or "implicit":

Who uses the outdated licenses:

What to do:
Go to "License" are on top of WIKI page for your GE(s) and update license statement with a text.
Attention, this is not really free text as you know, it is sort of standardized...So better just replace old link to "Interrim license "with link to your license. You have received mails on this from TID.

So, If you find yourself in "OLD" then cross the water and join us in the "NEW" section...

Best wishes


Below one old mail on this open task.

From: fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro
Sent: Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013 17:03
To: fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Subject: [Fiware-wpa] ToDos from now and the following months

Dear colleagues,

  I would like to highlight a number of points that we have to deal with, and we have to concentrate our efforts on, during the following weeks.

  All these points will be followed up regularly at our joint WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcalls.   Staty tuned regarding further clarifications that will come from your WPLs/WPAs or us in the following days.

  If someone believes there are additional points to add which require a close follow-up, please don't hesitate to comment.

  Now the list:

  *   FI-WARE Catalogue:
     *   Entries have to comply with the guidelines provided at http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Working_with_the_FI-WARE_catalogue#Guidelines_on_what_to_write
     *   A reference example can be found at: http://catalogue.fi-ware.eu/enablers/application-mashup-wirecloud
     *   Entries which do not comply with the guidelines or whose contents are considered weak will not be made visible and corresponding FI-WARE GEis will therefore not be made available as part of the FI-WARE OIL and Testbed, with potential implications in rejection of costs
     *   Don't forget that FI-WARE GEi have to make public their terms of availability beyond the FI-PPP ("External availability" in "Terms and Conditions")
  *   FI-WARE Legal Notice:
     *   All FI-WARE specifications have to be updated (if not already) to make a reference to any of the two final Legal Notices that have been finally approved:
        *   with implicit patents license: http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE_Open_Specification_Legal_Notice_(implicit_patents_license)<http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE_Open_Specification_Legal_Notice_%28implicit_patents_license%29>
        *   with explicit license on essential patents: http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE_Open_Specification_Legal_Notice_(essential_patents_license)<http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE_Open_Specification_Legal_Notice_%28essential_patents_license%29>
     *   Detailed instructions about how to update the corresponding sections will be provided
  *   Detailed revision of FI-WARE GEi software and accompanying documentation:
     *   A more in-depth and demanding revision will be carried out from now until end of July, targeted to avoid publication of FI-WARE GEis that we may foresee can receive criticism by developers beyond the research community.
     *   This revision will be carried by programmers from Telefonica and Engineering, other volunteers are welcome.
     *   Note that FI-WARE GEis that have been allowed to be part of FI-WARE r2.2 in our recent submission to the EC may be rejected to be made available in OIL.
  *   In-depth revision of the Architecture and FI-WARE Open Specifications on the wiki
  *   FI-WARE OIL, Testbed and internal Cloud environments setup
     *   The teams in WP10 will have to work hard in order to setup three different FI-WARE Clouds for:
        *   internal developments within FI-WARE (testing of patches, development of new releases)
        *   the FI-WARE Testbed offered to UC projects
        *   the FI-WARE OIL, dealing with quotas
     *   Proper security mechanisms have to be put in place
     *   The deliverables that had to do with Integration Plan and Report will have to be submitted
  *   FI-WARE OIL: recipes for automated deployment of FI-WARE GEi dedicated instances
     *   some FI-WARE GEis may be deployed as a global instance, accessible "as a Service" so that functions can be invoked through well-defined Service End Points and APIs
     *   however, it is highly desirable that some FI-WARE GEis can also be instantiated by application developers on top of the virtual infrastructure they will setup to run their application (Dedicated instances).    For this, it is highly recommended that FI-WARE GEi owners support one or several of the following options:
        *   virtual machine images with the FI-WARE GEi properly installed and configured
        *   deployment "recipes" that can be used together with the FI-WARE Cloud tools enabling automated deployment of software on individual VMs
        *   deployment "recipes" that can be used together with the FI-WARE Cloud Blueprint management tools
     *   webinars training on how to build "recipes" have to be organized and run
  *   FI-WARE OIL/Testbed and GEis Support
     *   A JIRA environment will be setup per FI-WARE GEi and for each of the three environments defined above (internal, FI-WARE Testbed and FI-WARE OIL)
     *   A workflow will be defined regarding how tickets can be issued, monitored and resolved.
     *   Access to the corresponding JIRA should be made available from the FI-WARE Catalogue
  *   Generation of training material
     *   WP9 will provide an eLearning and webinar platform which will be adopted as main vehicle for providing training contents
     *   FI-WARE GEi owners will be requested to prepare training material targeted to developers.   At least one recorded webinar should be made available per FI-WARE GEi
  *   Organization of Campus Party
     *   There will be a 1-hour session at the main starge of the Campus Party, either on Monday afternoon or Tuesday (most likely this second), where the FI-WARE OIL will be announced.   Tentatively, the structure of this session might be (not necessarily in this order):
        *   15' of someone from the Kroes cabinet that will elaborate on the FI-PPP and will announce launch of the FI-WARE OIL
        *   15' of keynote speech from some reputed person in the Developers' Community endorsing the initiative (and helping to attract audience :-)
        *   30' of some sort of panel involving executives from some of the major industry partners (maybe they seating in sofas at the stage and someone acting as chairing/interviewer)
     *   A number of workshops should be programmed, targeted to architects and developers and trying to cover programming practices/exercises that enable attendees to make "hands on" the technology:
        *   Currently we have secured 4 2-hours slot workshops in the workshop area of the Campus Party booked for us.  We had initially asked for 6 but seems to be not feasible and I'm trying to negotiate for 5.
        *   Following are the workshops that we have currently identified as suitable for the audience of the Campus Party (programmers), we may decide which to go because there may not be enough number of workshop slots:
           *   Cloud (every function provided through the portal, from deployment of Object Storage and individual VMs, through automated deployment of software on top of available VM instances up to the definition and deployment of blueprints)
           *   Context/Data Management platform (combining a comprehensive review of the Context Broker, CEP and BigData GEs)
           *   IoT, focused on how to connect sensors and make measured data available on the FI-WARE OIL
           *   WireCloud
           *   Identity Management and OAuth2-based Access Control to APIs (potentially to be merged with Cloud)
           *   Advanced Middleware
           *   Media-related GEis (subject to availability of GEis coming from FI-INMEDIA)
           *   Advanced 3D and augmented reality (subject to availability of a first version of GEis coming from WeX)
     *   There will be 2 1-hour sessions where we will be able to introduce the FI-PPP, FI-WARE, explain the ambition, main results, etc as well as announce the different challenges.   There will be a space for the UC projects to announce their open calls
     *   There will be a booth we will need to agree how to attend so that we can answer people who may come with questions.
     *   We are negotiating a room for FI-WARE internal meetings for about 10 people, with whiteboard and projector.   Our intention is that the different chapters may book slots during the Campus Party for them to meet there, therefore having a f2f meeting there.   This way, attendance to the Campus Party may work as a kind of plenary meeting.
  *   FI-WARE OIL terms and conditions
     *   Telefonica has circulated a first draft of terms and conditions and legal departments has been asked to come to a final version by end of July.
     *   The technical/business lead of the different FI-WARE partners should approach their legal departments to make sure they understand the whole thing.
     *   The deadline by end of July is unmovable.   FI-WARE GEis for which the corresponding owner do not subscribe the terms and conditions available by then will not be published in the FI-WARE OIL.
  *   FI-WARE Backlog
     *   A report on the status regarding revision and clean up of the FI-WARE Backlog will be submitted to the EC and reviewers by end of June.
     *   Teams have to keep going in all regarding APs related to clean up of the FI-WARE Backlog and adoption of Agile practices
  *   FI-WARE State of the Art deliverable:
     *   We have to get it done.
  *   FI-WARE 3rd Party Innovation Enablement:
     *   We have to find out how we can finish a revised version

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

You can follow FI-WARE at:

  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu

  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242

  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware

  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932


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