[Fiware-wpl] Sprint transition - from S3.1.2 to S3.1.3

Mon Sep 2 18:09:20 CEST 2013

Dear Partners,

Let me remind you that we have finished sprint S3.1.2-M28 and have started S3.1.3-M29

Please, update your GE backlog accordingly:

·         Close the backlog items finished during M28.

·         Update on-going items not finished yet to belong to S3.1.3

This task shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes!!

Find below the links to the backlog reports, there you'll find tabs for each GE.
By clicking on the ticket number you can easily access each item on the tracker and update its status and sprint.
WP3: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2791/FIWARE.backlog.apps.report.20130831-1531.xlsx
WP4: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2792/FIWARE.backlog.cloud.report.20130831-1531.xlsx
WP5: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2795/FIWARE.backlog.iot.report.20130831-1532.xlsx
WP6: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2793/FIWARE.backlog.data.report.20130831-1531.xlsx
WP7: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2794/FIWARE.backlog.i2nd.report.20130831-1532.xlsx
WP8: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/27/2796/FIWARE.backlog.security.report.20130831-1532.xlsx

Once the previous task is over, you've got this week to plan and schedule tasks for your GE and update your GE tracker. You can use the previous spreadsheet for items already declared, it's all about changing status and sprints.
Changing these items on the tracker shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes.

Next week I'll meet WP Leaders in order to review all GE's backlog. I expect your contribution to have all of them reflecting your activities. I'll be also available to meet GE owners if needed and requested.

Congratulations to Susana Gonzalez-Zarzosa and Antonio García who have their GE Context-based Security & Compliance in the security chapter in perfect shape: already closed the sprint and already scheduled next sprint!!!

Thanks all for cooperation!!

If anything, don't hesitate to let me know.

Kind regards,

Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telefónica Digital
Parque Tecnológico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64


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