Dear Colleagues Please find here attached the google docs link with the draft version of sections defined for the letter on observations to the Financial Assessment As you can check, in the - Rejection of costs linked to Exploitation- section we will follow this approach: - Initial statement, General approach regarding the definite cost-cuttings of efforts in D11.2.2 - Individual observations per partner, see SAP example Please feel free to add what you consider in an individual basis before tomorrow EOB Br Juan Juan Bareño Research & Innovation T. +34 912 148 859 M. +34 625 598 216 juan.bareno at<mailto:juan.bareno at> Albarracín, 25 28037 Madrid - Spain [cid:image002.png at 01CF21D2.D8BA98F0] _____________________________________________ From: Bareno Guerenabarrena, Juan Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:20 PM To: 'fiware-exploitation at'; 'fiware-wpl at'; 'Amon, Peter'; 'laura pucci'; 'Andrea Manieri'; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare'; 'Bettina.Lehmann at'; 'Hans.Einsiedler at'; 'GLIKSON at'; 'Yaron Wolfsthal'; 'pierangelo.garino at'; 'Banniza, Thomas-Rolf (Thomas-Rolf'; 'Wuenstel, Klaus (Klaus'; 'Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich'; 'Heijnen Henk'; 'carmen mac williams' (Carmen at; 'Ernoe.Kovacs at'; 'carmen mac williams' (Carmen at; 'Sandfuchs, Thorsten'; Heller, Markus (markus.heller at Cc: De-Lama Sanchez, Nuria; mcp at Subject: IMPORTANT: Observations to Financial assessment for reporting period P2- D11.2.2 Dear Colleagues After submitting up to 3 individual exploitation plans for the same deliverable, D11.2.2, once public in June, one more in July and a new one in October, the last ones on confidential basis , "50% of the costs associated with this deliverable are rejected, except for ATOS, Thales, Telefonica, and France Telecom". - "Unfortunately, despite the repeated comments by the reviewers on this very subject, the specific company exploitation plans are still generic and in some cases bordering on being a "wish list". They all say positive things but lack specificity in themes, markets, applications, timeline, budget and resources dedicated to the success of FI-WARE. With a few exceptions such as those supplied by ATOS and Thales and to some extent Telefonica and France Telecom, the individual exploitation plans are largely a collection of wishes, expectations and high level aims. In all cases, there are surprisingly very few references to specific GEs (or GE combinations) even by the owners concerned. In addition, they are a collation of single plans without any attempt to explain which type of synchronisation or coordination will happen among them and how this concerted effort will be coordinated, if any. There is not a single reference in the individual plans to the OIL, which is positioned in the generic part of the document as a key vehicle to "pave the way for a successful exploitation and sustainability of its [the FI-WARE project] results Although in the review report R5, it seems "crystal clear" , see paragraphs above and below, why they reject the individual exploitation plans, they seem to maintain the same opinion after the M30 Review but we have not received any particular assessment on M30 individual exploitation plans submitted on a confidential basis. Accordingly, together with SAP I have prepared this paragraph to include into the "Observations to Financial assessment for reporting period P2" Please feel free to suggest any modification to the following paragraph, and add whatever individual comment from your side regarding your exploitation plan. Before 14:00 of Monday 10 th In relation to the definite cost-cuttings of efforts in D11.2.2, the partners affected (*) would like to kindly ask for some feedback regarding the new M30 individual exploitation plans resubmitted and presented on a confidential basis. The main purpose is to be able of reassessing the situation in the next round, M36, and resubmit the costs accordingly (if accepted). Therefore the partners affected (*) would ask for changing the "definite" reduction towards a "cost acceptance" or at least a "temporary" reduction. (*) SAP, IBM-IL, DT, TI, ENG, INTEL, SIEMENS, NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORK, ALCATEL, TECHNICOLOR, NEC Br Juan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initial Feedback form review report; 1) Few references to specific GEs (or GE combinations) by the owners concerned, 2) No single reference about the FI LAB. The individual exploitation plans are largely a collection of wishes, expectations and high level aims. - "The exploitation planning of FI-WARE key results at the partner level is still highly general and patchy in depth and scope, and in many cases unclear, uncertain, unconvincing, or a combination of these" - "The (lack of) substance and concreteness for the vast majority of the individual exploitation plans, at Month 24, is totally inappropriate for the ambition of FI-WARE and incommensurate with the claimed business commitment to project results by the main partners, even to Vice-President Kroes" - "The reviewers are exceedingly concerned about the dearth of concrete evidence of the business commitment of GE implementation owners, and the corresponding lack of concrete information and traceability of GE implementations in the exploitation plans of these owners". - "The current exploitation plans are mainly statements of aims, expectations and desires, which all go broadly in the right direction, but without the priority and thrust needed to achieve a real change". - "The lack of examples and paucity of concrete details necessary to create a real following within and around the various participants is, at Month 24 and one year before the project ends, exceedingly alarming". Juan Bareño Research & Innovation T. +34 912 148 859 M. +34 625 598 216 juan.bareno at<mailto:juan.bareno at> Albarracín, 25 28037 Madrid - Spain << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> [cid:image002.png at 01CF21D2.D8BA98F0] From: fiware-wpl-bounces at<mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:12 PM To: fiware-wpl at<mailto:fiware-wpl at> Cc: fiware at<mailto:fiware at>; fiware-pcc at<mailto:fiware-pcc at> Subject: [Fiware-wpl] IMPORTANT: Observations to Financial assessment for reporting period P2 Dear all, Based on the response by our PO below, any observation to the Financial assessment for reporting period P2 has to be submitted before February 17. Following the plans we agreed during our confcall last week, we now have to deal with producing a coordinated letter/document comprising observations from the consortia. The letter/document will be structured as a summary section plus a number of sections, each dealing with one of the items in the following list (people who has to take care of writing each section is also listed): * Rejection of costs linked to deliverables D.4.5, D.4.1 and D.5.1, caretaker Juanjo * Rejection of costs linked to deliverable D.8.1.2, caretaker Pascal * Rejection of costs linked to Tools chapter, caretaker Davide * Rejection of costs linked to Testbed/FI-Lab chapter, caretaker Stefano * Rejection of costs linked to WP2/Overall Technical Coordination, caretaker Juanjo * Rejection of costs linked to Exploitation, caretaker Juan Bareño We have to come up with a consolidated draft of these sections by end of next week that we can approve in the WPLs/WPAs follow-up confcall (afternoon session) that we will have on April 17th. As it was also agreed, we will not produce a consortium response regarding rejection of costs that are not in the above list. They can, of course, go for sending their own observations. However, Telefónica would like to be copied in any communication sent to the EC regarding this matter. If someone considers I have forgotten any item in the list we had agreed to integrate in the consortium response, please let us know. Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website:<> email: jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at> twitter: FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator and Chief Architect FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: -------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: Grant Agreement No. 285248 FI-WARE - Financial assessment for reporting period P2 from 01/05/2012 to 30/04/2013 Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 08:11:37 +0000 From: <Arian.ZWEGERS at><mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at> To: <jhierro at><mailto:jhierro at>, <CNECT-ICT-285248 at><mailto:CNECT-ICT-285248 at> CC: <Stephane.ANDRIES at><mailto:Stephane.ANDRIES at>, <Jesus.Villasante at><mailto:Jesus.Villasante at> Dear Juanjo, I guess your comments will not be about the actual payment but about the assessment that can be considered part of the review and therefore article II.23.8 applies, so 1 month after date of receipt 17 Feb 2014. Best regards, Arian. From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:03 AM To: CNECT-ICT-285248 Cc: ZWEGERS Arian (CNECT); ANDRIES Stephane (CNECT); VILLASANTE Jesus (CNECT); jhierro >> "Juan J. Hierro" Subject: Re: Grant Agreement No. 285248 FI-WARE - Financial assessment for reporting period P2 from 01/05/2012 to 30/04/2013 Dear Jesús, Arian, Stephane, We would like to know whether there is any deadline for sending observations to the financial assessment received for Reporting Period 2 of the FI-WARE project. We certainly would like to make some observations. However, we haven't seen any deadline described in the accompanying letter nor any documentation. We would rather appreciate it if you can clarify. Best regards, -- Juanjo Hierro ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website:<> email: jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at> twitter: FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator and Chief Architect FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: On 14/02/14 11:39, CNECT-ICT-285248 at<mailto:CNECT-ICT-285248 at> wrote: Dear Mr. Hierro Sureda, I wish to advise you that the reports mentioned in Article 4 of Annex II to the grant agreement in reference, and submitted to the Commission on 26/09/2013, for the reporting period P2 from 01/05/2012 to 30/04/2013 have been examined. The results of the analysis of the financial statement are detailed in the attached financial statement acceptance forms. In summary a payment of 11.981.989 EUR will be made. We wish to draw your attention to the following: * According to Article II.22 of the grant agreement, the Commission may, at any time during the implementation of the project and up to five years after the end of the project, arrange for financial audits to be carried out, by external auditors, or by the Commission services themselves including OLAF. * According to Article II.23 of the grant agreement, the Commission may initiate a technical audit or review at any time during the implementation of the project and up to five years after the end of the project. The payment of the Union financial contribution to the coordinator discharges the Commission from its obligation on payments to the other beneficiaries. Therefore, you shall ensure that all the appropriate payments are made to them without unjustified delay (see Articles II.2 and II.3). Furthermore note that according to the provisions of the Financial Regulation and of the grant agreement, sums due to the Union by a beneficiary may be recovered by offsetting them against any sums it owes to the beneficiary concerned, after informing the latter accordingly. Please inform the other beneficiaries of the results of the financial assessment for this reporting period. Yours sincerely, ZWEGERS Arian email Arian.ZWEGERS at<mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at> Project Officer [X] Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at: [X] Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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