[Fiware-wpl] [Subsidies] Amendment 7 of FI-WARE project

JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ javier.depedrosanchez at telefonica.com
Mon Sep 15 00:16:56 CEST 2014

Dear all, this e-mail is to inform you that we have submitted the NEF session to the Commission.
Please find enclosed the version of the DoW:

We made slight differences from the below v7:

1.       INNDEA: Change:  Hackathon Valencia -> event in Valencia under the umbrella of the Startup Weekend Special Edition series of events

2.       Slight modification on HfTL budget (New Third party of DT)

3.       Updating PM of WP10, WP12 and total in the table B1.3.3 Work package list, tables and figures.

4.       Date of the document -> 12 September 2014
Thank you for checking and sending comments to previous version 7.

You can download the current GPF of the amendment 7 from NEF or the following link:

Please take in account that the amendment 7  has to be reviewed and approved by the Commission. We´ll keep you informed.


De: subsidies-bounces at tid.es [mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de Juanjo Hierro
Enviado el: miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014 15:38
Para: fiware-ga at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu
CC: subsidies at tid.es; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu
Asunto: [Subsidies] Amendment 7 of FI-WARE project

Hi all,

  We have finalized the FI-WARE Amendment 7 which is now ready for submission.   You can download a copy of it with changes under control using the following URL in dropbox:

  This final version differs from the previous one we distributed because we have included some few changes as per comments made by some of you, namely:

  *   Ogilvy: a different split of "Other Direct Costs" has been provided as well as new text in the "Resources to be committed" section.  No changes in the funding are derived.
  *   FNE: Some deliverables they are responsible hadn't been assigned to be delivered on M44 so this had to be fixed.
  *   USP: They had to change the indirect cost model, from a real cost model to a flat-rate model of 60%.   No changes in the funding are derived.

  Please make a final check to it.   Deadline is tomorrow EOB (i.e., 17:00).   We plan to submit it on NEF this Friday at the latest (even Thursday right after deadline if no comments received).

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


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