Dear all, In your individual partner reports, please do not forget to list your standardization activities in task 11.4 as detailed as possible. My plan is to integrate a summary of your activities in the Task 11.4 report. Best regards Tobias From: Bareno Guerenabarrena, Juan [mailto:juan.bareno at] Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2015 10:56 To: old-fiware-exploitation at; fiware-wpl at; fiware-pcc at Cc: Miguel Carrillo (mcp at; SANTIAGO MARTINEZ GARCIA (santiago.martinezgarcia at; Lindsay Frost; Tobias Jacobs; Ernoe Kovacs Subject: FW: [old-Fiware-WP11 Exploitation] First version of FIWARE Periodic and Final report To the right old-fiware Tx From: Bareno Guerenabarrena, Juan Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 7:03 PM To: fiware-exploitation at<mailto:fiware-exploitation at>; fiware-wpl at<mailto:fiware-wpl at> Cc: lindsay.frost at<mailto:lindsay.frost at>; Ernoe.Kovacs at<mailto:Ernoe.Kovacs at>; Tobias Jacobs (Tobias.Jacobs at<mailto:Tobias.Jacobs at>); Javier de Vicente (javier.devicente at<mailto:javier.devicente at>); Raúl Sánchez (raul.sanchez at<mailto:raul.sanchez at>); De-Lama Sanchez, Nuria (nuria.delama at<mailto:nuria.delama at>); Miguel Carrillo (mcp at<mailto:mcp at>) Subject: [old-Fiware-WP11 Exploitation] First version of FIWARE Periodic and Final report Dear Colleagues, First draft of progress report with all inputs (from leaving partners on M36 ) has now been uploaded and is available for your review also suggested changes/improvements. Please complete it with your contribution WP11:<> Actions: 1) ALL WP11 partners: introduce your contribution per task before the 6th of February EOB - Task 11.1: Market and Competition Analysis - Task 11.2: Exploitation Strategy, FIWARE sustainability and IPR management - Task 11.3: Establishing Market and Policy Regulation Awareness - Task 11.4: Contribution to Standardization - Task 11.5: Community Building and Engagement Platform 2) NEC Please review the content of 11.4 Standardization and complete it Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support. Best Regards Juan Da: Garino Pierangelo Inviato: martedì 20 gennaio 2015 12:23 A: 'old-fiware-i2nd at' Oggetto: I: [Old-Fiware] FIWARE Periodic and Final reports Dear FI-WARE I2ND Partners, As the mails below have pointed out, we are requested to complete the final Periodic report of the FI-WARE project. You might remember that we already prepared a nearly-final version last April (M36), when most of you completed their active work in the project. Those contents have been already included in the WP7 google docs document (link below). There are however a number of actions to do, although most of them should end up with checks rather than practical contributions, which I summarise in the following: 1. Complete WP introductory part of the report. This must be done by myself, and I'll do it starting on Fri 23 Jan. 2. Complete/update each Task introductory part. This will require a joint effort between the Task coords (Chris, Henk, Thomas, Hans) and myself. Please have a look and propose any update you want to do. We need to complete this by Tue 27 January. 3. Check that the contribution of each partner to Task descriptions is complete, exhaustive and well described. Each Partner has to check this and contribute by Tue 27 January. One remark: there cannot be lists of actions left for next project period, as the project is finished! There can be however references to future releases of FIWARE (there are already some), as the platform and the GEs can extend beyond the project lifetime. 4. An update to the effort table is necessary: this must be done by TID, who should do it asap. Once available, it can happen that some partner will need to justify usage of higher or lower efforts compared to DoW. In such a case, Partners in that situation will have to provide the requested justification. Each Partner should check the effort table and insert justification by Mon 2 Feb, if required. I suggest you wait until mid of next week before checking this part, so that the update by TID should be available. - How to provide an update: o I assume the google doc is read-only for you. You can download it as MSWord, activate the track changes, make any update you have to do and send the resulting doc to me. o Whether you need to make updates or not, please send me a mail telling that you did (or reviewed) them. Thanks a lot in advance for your final support in completing the FI-WARE documentation. We'll stay in contact up to the review meeting. BR Pier Da: old-fiware-bounces at<mailto:old-fiware-bounces at> [mailto:old-fiware-bounces at] Per conto di MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO Inviato: martedì 20 gennaio 2015 11:05 A: old-fiware at<mailto:old-fiware at> Oggetto: Re: [Old-Fiware] FIWARE Periodic and Final reports Dear all, Two important warnings: * Let me emphasize that this is not "another reporting period". It is the final one and there are serious differences. Not delivering the report on time (in February) would imply the automatic rejection of the costs of all the partners in the 3rd period. We therefore urge you to swiftly provide the data we need, there are many partners and this is extremely complex. * We have been discussing the matter with the PO and the review will not take place before April Best regards, Miguel El 19/01/2015 a las 19:42, SANTIAGO MARTINEZ GARCIA escribió: Hi all, Deadlines for submitting the FIWARE periodic report (M25- M44, May 2013 - December 2014) and final Project report to the EC are getting closer, so we need to start working on this straightaway, to avoid risks in obtaining the expected funding. Instructions for Work Package Leaders · We will draft this report collaboratively between the different WPL. For doing this, we will use Google Docs. Each WPL will own the Google Doc corresponding to the WP he/she leads, and use it as the working document for him/her and the partners of the specific WP. · Each WP doc contains 6 sections with a template and specific instructions on how to complete the info. Text from previous report has also been copied there, in case it may be useful for you as a reference , to be updated and adapted to the given template. It is important to follow these guidelines, since the report needs to be homogeneous. You can find a completed example for WP6, in case you find it useful at: · Links to the WP working docs (please let me know in case I missed to give edit permission to any WPL. All docs are viewable for all the Consortium): WP1: WP2: WP3: WP4: : WP5: WP7: WP8: WP9: WP10: : WP11: WP12: WP13: · There is also a "main" Google Doc that will be used as the integration doc for all the WPL reports, and that currently contains links to the sections expected to be provided by each WPL. This will be the basis for the peer review of the report, to be performed by the Consortium, so the info contained there needs to be stable. Currently, it contains links to all the sections where contribution from WPLs is expected. As soon as a WPL has available a complete final version of a section(s) under his/her responsability, he/she should copy it in this main doc. The intention is that all partners can review as soon as posible the available material in this doc, and make the peer review more agile. Link to the integration doc (every WPL has edit permission. Viewable by all Consortium): Calendar for this work · Contributions to periodic report by Work Package Leaders: 19th Jan - 2nd Feb. · Closure of WPL contributions and fisrt draft of periodic report available: 2nd Feb. · Peer review for periodic report: 2nd Feb- 9th Feb. · Submission of periodic report to EC and reviewers: 9th Feb. In parallel, we will soon start the work on the final Project report, as well. The calendar for the work on the final report will be: · First draft of final report (TID): 26th Jan.-2nd Feb. · Contributions to final report: 2nd Feb-9th Feb. · Submission of final report to EC and reviewers: 9th Feb. In case you have any question at this point, or during your report elaboration, please let me know. It is very important we don't miss these deadlines. Many thanks for your collaboration, Santiago. ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. 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