[Fiware] Info about upcoming Startup Weekend FIWARE special edition events

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
Tue Nov 4 09:32:43 CET 2014

 Hi Sami.

These are the ones that I have:
jeroen.moonen at onetrail.com
arjen at civity.nl
tom.willebrandts at colabdiensteninnovatie.nl

Hope this helps.


 *De*: Sami J [mailto:sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com]
*Enviado*: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 02:31 AM
*Para*: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
*CC*: fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu <fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu>; Nuria De-Lama
Sanchez <nuria.delama at atos.net>
*Asunto*: Re: [Fiware] Info about upcoming Startup Weekend FIWARE special
edition events

I didn't find contact person name for the Utrecht bootcamp event, can you
provide that? I'd like to confirm arrangement of the event before making
travel arrangements.


On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 6:29 AM, Juanjo Hierro <
juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> wrote:

>  Hi all,
>   I summarize here info about the upcoming Startup Weekend FIWARE special
> edition events.   Please pay special attention to the dates because they
> unfortunately differ from one event to another ...    The part of the
> events that works as a regular Startup Weekend will start at 18:00 on
> Friday and will last until late Sunday (typically prizes are given away
> from 19:00 to 20:00 and then there is a small party right afterwards) so
> those staying for coaching should probably have to plan their flights back
> home on Monday.
>   Be aware that the event in Utrech on November 13-16 is now planned.
>   Please, any update on travel expenses should be provided before EOB
> today.   I need to close the figures regarding allocated budget this
> weekend.
>   I also provide a contact point among the organizers of the events so
> that you may enter in contact with them if needed.   I don't have the
> details of the venues of the event, so don't hesitate to contact the
> organizers if you urgently need to know this.   I have asked them if they
> can provide this information so probably Nuria or me will be able to give
> an update sometime early next week.
>    - Berlin:
>       - Dates: October 15-16 (Bootcamp), October 17-19 (Startup Weekend)
>       - Contact: justin.lyle at etventure.com, laura.kohler at etventure.com
>    - Sophia-Antipolis:
>       - Dates: October 16-17 (Bootcamp), October 17-19 (Startup Weekend)
>       - Contact: thierry.nagellen at orange.com
>    - Valencia:
>       - Dates: October 15-16 (Bootcamp), October 17-19 (Startup Weekend)
>       - Contact: salome.reillo at inndeavalencia.com,
>       patricia.pastor at inndeavalencia.com, paula.llobet at inndeavalencia.com,
>       dsaez at iti.es
>    - Lisbon:
>       - Dates: November 13-14 (Bootcamp), November 14-16 (Startup
>       Weekend)
>       - Contact: nvarandas.nv at gmail.com
>    - Rennes:
>       - Dates: November 13-14 (Bootcamp), November 14-16 (Startup
>       Weekend)
>       - Contact: gmaugis at images-et-reseaux.com
>    - Utrech:
>       - Dates: November 13-14 (Bootcamp), November 14-16 (Startup
>       Weekend)
>       - Contact: <not provided yet>
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Telefonica - Product Development and Innovation (PDI)
> website: www.tid.es
> email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
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Sami Jylkkä
Cyberlightning Ltd.


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