Dear Juanjo, Sorry but this is difficult for us to answer your email with such a short notice. Even more than I’m out of office and on a business trip. After a quick check I did manage to perform with Chantal (in cc) from our Thales Services (TS) side I must say we fully disagree with your figures based on estimations you did produce. See email sent by Chantal to Javier on the topic. Second it seems that for what concerns TS, budget you did come up on your side “as to be released” far much exceeds the budget remaining for what concerns Cyber Security GE. Even more most of the work for that GE was planned for Year 1. I do suspect here there is an error and that the budget you are referring to here for TS may encompass other Activities continued (e.g. activities linked to Cyber Security GE (demanded to be stopped in terms of funding) task 1.7.1 & Activities linked to task 1.7.2 on IAM where is work on PDP GE decided to be continued, …). This just to say as already voiced by some other colleagues that we need some more time also details to go through your estimations to check/understand and correct them whenever necessary. And Yes this is important not to send wrong or misleading figures to the EC at this point in time. Hope you could share and agree. . Best Regards, Pascal De : fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at [mailto:fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at] De la part de Juanjo Hierro Envoyé : jeudi 1 octobre 2015 06:55 À : fiware at Cc : fiware-chapter-leaders at; fiware-chapter-architects at; fiware-wg-leaders at Objet : [Fiware-chapter-architects] Updated summary text describing changes that will be implemented in the FI-Core amendment Dear all, Please find enclosed a new version of the text summarizing the changes to be implemented in the FI-Core amendment. Figures do not change. We have just included some more descriptional text. Of course, the details are provided within the DoW draft, of which a version was already circulated last week (now introducing updated versions of some chapter-WP description forms) Hope you will find it helpful. Note that this text will be incorporated at the beginning of the DoW and what is explained in it will have precedence over what is described in the rest of the DoW. Once again, we stress the following points: * The detailed estimation of how much funding could be released as a result of stopping the funding of certain activities is an estimation. We took into consideration the costs you reported by month 10th and then extrapolated how much it might be expected that you will report for the period between month 11 and month 13, assuming you would consume resources at a speed very similar to the speed you have consumed resources during the first semester of 2015 (also bearing in mind the holidays period). * Final figures about how much funding will finally be released will depend very much on the final costs reported and accepted for the activities for which funding will be stopped. We will carefully review the costs that will be reported by partners at the time the report for the first year reporting period of FI-Core will be produced. In this respect, we have identified that some partners seem like they were about to exhaust the resources (therefore the funding) initially assigned to tasks (development of new GEris among others) for which funding will be stopped effective October 1st. Justifications for this will be carefully assessed by us as coordinators. This besides the ordinary assessment of the justification of reported costs by the partners in regard to the 1st reporting period (first 13 months of the project) * The new DoW amendment will be effective October 1st. Best regards, -- Juanjo ______________________________________________________ Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica email: juanjose.hierro at<mailto:juanjose.hierro at> twitter: @JuanjoHierro You can follow FIWARE at: website: twitter: @FIWARE facebook: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. 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