[Fleetops4eu] Proposal Fleetops4EU. Partner information and check that the mail list works.

Eduardo José Remírez Miguel eduardo.remirez at bosonit.com
Thu Nov 3 13:49:58 CET 2022


Eduardo Remirez
Bosonit  |  Director de industria y aeroespacial

+ 34  941 546 306
Avenida Juan Carlos I, 18, Entreplanta, 1º y ático
Logroño. La Rioja
eduardo.remirez at bosonit.com<mailto:eduardo.remirez at bosonit.com>

Spain | Mexico | Brazil | UK
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De: fleetops4eu-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fleetops4eu-bounces at lists.fiware.org> En nombre de Alberto Abella
Enviado el: jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2022 12:04
Para: fleetops4eu at lists.fiware.org
CC: francisco melendez <francisco.melendez at fiware.org>
Asunto: [Fleetops4eu] Proposal Fleetops4EU. Partner information and check that the mail list works.

This is the mail list of the project.

Please post here those messages you need to share with all of us

1) Please confirm to alberto.abella at fiware.org<mailto:alberto.abella at fiware.org> (not to the list mail) that you have received this email. Check that your colleagues in your organization receive it as well (it is likely this kind of email to be send  initially to the spam folder). Please whitelist it.

2) Include in the budget spreadsheet the information about your organization.
Everybody in this list has write permissions. issues let me know.

3) If anybody else needs to be in the list please let me know.


Alberto Abella FIWARE Foundation <http://fiware.org/>
Data Modelling Expert and Technological Evangelist
+34<http://fiware.org/> 629655772
[cid:image002.png at 01D8EF8B.28320910]
@fiware<http://twitter.com/fiware> @aabella<http://twitter.com/aabella>
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