[IndustryOps] OPTIMAC Proposal - Rejected

Mireya Diego Moro mirdie at cartif.es
Mon Mar 13 13:28:26 CET 2023

Thank you, Francisco. There will be other opportunities to colaborate. 

Anyway, congratulations for this great effort! 

Best regards 

De: "José Morales Sánchez" <jose.morales at elliotcloud.com> 
Para: "irene carrion" <irene.carrion at fundingbox.com>, "Francisco Melendez" <francisco.melendez at fiware.org> 
CC: greenloop at lists.fiware.org 
Enviados: Lunes, 13 de Marzo 2023 13:15:28 
Asunto: Re: [IndustryOps] OPTIMAC Proposal - Rejected 

Thank you, Francisco. It is a pity, hopefully we will find future cooperation opportunities. 


Jose Antonio Morales 

Elliot Cloud | Director de Innovación y Sector Público 

M. +34 695 221 436 

T. +34 941 123 251 

[ mailto:jose.morales at elliotcloud.com | jose.morales at elliotcloud.com ] 

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Spain | Mexico | Brazil | UK 

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De: greenloop-bounces at lists.fiware.org <greenloop-bounces at lists.fiware.org> En nombre de Irene Carrión Álvarez 
Enviado el: lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023 12:59 
Para: Francisco Melendez <francisco.melendez at fiware.org> 
CC: greenloop at lists.fiware.org 
Asunto: Re: [IndustryOps] OPTIMAC Proposal - Rejected 

Thank you for the info. Let's hope for another opportunity to collaborate. 

El lun., 13 mar. 2023 12:56, Francisco Melendez < [ mailto:francisco.melendez at fiware.org | francisco.melendez at fiware.org ] > escribió: 

Dear all, 

we have received a notification from the EU Commission to inform us that our proposal is unfortunately not funded. Please find attached, the ESR. I am very sorry for this news and looking forward to another suitable opportunity to resubmit. 

Best regards, 



Francisco Melendez 

FIWARE Technical Expert on Robotics and Automation 

[ mailto:francisco.melendez at fiware.org | francisco.melendez at fiware.org ] 

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Mireya de Diego Moro 
División de Sistemas Industriales y Digitales 
Industrial and Digital Systems Division 

+34 983 546 504 
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