[I4trust] D1.2 Train the Trainers program - Open for review and inputs

Rajiv Rajani | iSHARE rajiv at ishare.foundation
Fri Apr 9 21:13:47 CEST 2021

Hi Juanjo,

Thanks for clarifying. The presentation is cleaned up. There are still some
comments which need your attention. If you can react to them then we can
close this deliverable.

@all, Do remember to place the slides for the training sessions which will
be conducted by you in the following folder
by April 20th.
Also add the name(s) of the speakers/presenters in this sheet

Rajiv Rajani

On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 8:28 AM Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>

> Hi,
>   A clarification.  The session slides to be developed don't need to be
> ready this week :-)   I propose that they be ready by April 20th (so we
> have some days to perform a review of all of them and align contents,
> etc).
>   What needs to be reviewed are the slides that Rajiv has produced (we
> decided that D1.2 will be delivered in the form of a slidedeck that will be
> precisely the one we will use at the review of the project, that is in
> front of reviewers, when explaining to them the training program).
>   @Rajiv: I have performed a first review of the contents.  I will perform
> a second review along the day but you may be reviewing my comments in the
> meantime.  With regards to my comments and due to the fact that Google
> Slides do not facilitate revision as easier as with a Google docs (there is
> no suggest edits function):
>    - I have marked in yellow, accompanied by a comment, the changes I
>    have introduced.  If you accept them simply clean the comment and eliminate
>    the yellow mark.
>    - I have created a backup
>    <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fQANr58MuAiOqWls1mY6jVW8hejeIV_WdizJHzxRfbM/edit?usp=sharing>
>    of the slides as they were today at 06:42 so that you can always review
>    what you had before
>   I suggest that rest of people adopt the same convention (mark changes in
> yellow accompanying them with a comment).
>   Remember and sorry to insist:  This is not a slide deck we will use in
> front of the trainees during the train of trainers program (despite some of
> the slides can be used at the beginning to perhaps present the overall
> structure of the program).   This is a slide deck we will use in front of
> the reviewers, during our project review, to explain to them the train of
> traines program: how we designed it and why we designed it that way.
> Contents and notes of slides should align with this idea.
>   Cheers,
>   Juanjo
> On 31/3/21 15:49, Rajiv Rajani | iSHARE wrote:
> Dear All,
> The deliverable D1.2 for Train the Trainers
> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EWlLVMJ7aMROcO5V1kDbZytRQH9pqdiO6AJQMgiv-3c/edit?usp=sharing>
> program is open for review and inputs for all. As was mentioned in the
> General coordination meeting, this deliverable is a slide deck which
> doubles up as the guide during the training sessions. Please have a good
> look at the session slides for which you are responsible for training and
> check and correct if necessary the details in those slides.
> The deadline for review is preferably this week.
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EWlLVMJ7aMROcO5V1kDbZytRQH9pqdiO6AJQMgiv-3c/edit?usp=sharing
> Regards,
> Rajiv Rajani
> iSHARE Foundation
> +31617962003
> iSHAREworks.org
> rajiv at ishare.foundation
> <https://www.ishareworks.org>
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