[I4trust] Moving the i4Trust global coordination meeting

Rosa Villaronga rosa.villaronga at fundingbox.com
Fri Jan 14 06:53:17 CET 2022

Hi all,

Monday morning works for us


On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 00.39, Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>

> Hi everyone,
>   Unfortunately, the global coordination meeting planned for tomorrow need
> to be postponed.  I have been requested for a rather urgent meeting that
> precisely takes place from 09:30 to 10:30, which falls right in the middle
> of our global coordination meeting :-(   Apologies for the inconvenience
> this may cause.
>   @Gerard, @Angeles: I have kept the meeting at 08:30am to sync-up about
> the session on logistics during the FIWARE Smart Fest.   I have sent to you
> a separate calendar invite.
>   I have tentatively moved the i4Trust global coordination meeting to
> Monday early morning, but I can also meet today (Friday) from 10:30 until
> 14:00.  I can sync with Gerard which of the two options (Monday or today,
> Friday) works better for iSHARE Foundation when we met.   @FundingBox:
> please let us know which one would work better for you.
>   Cheers,
> --
> Juanjo Hierro
> Chief Technology Officer
> juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
> www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro
> Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro
> <https://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>
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*Rosa Villaronga* - Reach me at @rosavi

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