[Fiware-apps] IMPORTANT: About WP3 Composition GEs and the Catalogue

Matteo Melideo matteo.melideo at eng.it
Wed Jul 25 11:45:54 CEST 2012

Dear Javier,
as, at the right moment anything is publicly visible, I would suggest to 
not remove anything.
As soon as you will have finished, we will do a recap deciding what to 
remove and what to publish. Ok?

Best regards


Il 25/07/2012 11:25, Javier Soriano (FI-UPM) ha scritto:
> Hi Torsten, hi Horst, hi Matteo, hi all,
> Torsten, Matteo has just approved the two GEs I added to the 
> catalogue: Composition Editor and Execution Engine GEs. I will forward 
> the email Matteo has sent me to the WP3 list because it contains very 
> useful information about how to complete the entries in the catalogue 
> and how to organize the information. We should use it when adding new 
> entries.
> Torsten, following your instructions, I will not make the two GEs 
> public for the moment. Instead, I will create a new entry for the 
> Wirecloud mashup platform. This makes sense to me. I didn't take this 
> decision from the very beginning because, as you explained yesterday, 
> in WP3 we agreed a different definition for GEs. But it makes sense to 
> me to introduce the notion of "Enabler" to refer to a particular 
> implementation of a GE (or of part of it, as is the case for our 
> Composition GEs) which is to be offered through the catalogue.
> Horst has to do the same for the "Mashup Factory" Do you agree Horst?
> The entries from Ericsson can be considered already aligned with this 
> decision. Do you agree Calin?
> Later, we can ask Matteo to remove the entries for the GEs I created a 
> couple of days ago. In the meantime, we can reuse some content from 
> these entries. For example, when I highlighted the relationships among 
> different entries in the catalogue: the composition GEs and the 
> Marketplace, Store, Service Description Repository, Service Instance 
> Registry... Does this make sense for you Matteo?
> Best regards,
> Javier
> 2012/7/25 Leidig, Torsten <torsten.leidig at sap.com 
> <mailto:torsten.leidig at sap.com>>
>     Hi Javier,
>     I agree, we should only put the specific enablers into the
>     Catalog. So  the generic “Compsition Editor” should be removed and
>     “Mashup Factory” and “Wirecloud” should be added.
>     In some cases it is not possible to separate the Composition
>     Editor and Execution. In these cases I would argue that there is
>     one specific enabler in the catalog called for example “Mashup
>     Factory”, which comprises two GE actually.
>     Regards,
>     Torsten
>     *From:*Javier Soriano (FI-UPM) [mailto:jsoriano at fi.upm.es
>     <mailto:jsoriano at fi.upm.es>]
>     *Sent:* Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 16:01
>     *To:* Leidig, Torsten
>     *Cc:* matteo.melideo at eng.it <mailto:matteo.melideo at eng.it>;
>     fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>     <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>; Alvaro Arranz; Dalle
>     Carbonare Davide
>     *Subject:* Re: [Fiware-apps] IMPORTANT: About WP3 Composition GEs
>     and the Catalogue
>     Dear all,
>     I fully agree with Torsten! Indeed, the first paragraph is a good
>     summary of what we have agreed/achieved in WP3.
>     I got surprised when I surfed the catalogue and found a great
>     level of "freedom" in what is considered as a GE, that may confuse
>     its users.
>     Torsten, I still have a couple of doubts regarding WP3 GEs:
>     When adding our Composition GEs to the Catalogue, I used the same
>     terminology as in:
>     https://forge.fi-ware.eu/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/FI-WARE/Apps/?root=fiware
>     This is why I added two separate GEs: "Composition Editor" and
>     "(Composition) Execution Engine" instead of a single "Composition
>     GE". Please note that in the catalogue "Execution Engine" appears
>     out of context and hence the prefix "Composition".
>     Moreover, if you enter the "Composition Editor" directory:
>     https://forge.fi-ware.eu/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/FI-WARE/Apps/CompositionEditor/?root=fiware
>     You can find the current implementations of that GE made from
>     assets of the individual partners:
>       * Mashup Factory
>         (https://forge.fi-ware.eu/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/FI-WARE/Apps/CompositionEditor/MashupFactory/?root=fiware)
>       * Wirecloud
>         (https://forge.fi-ware.eu/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/FI-WARE/Apps/CompositionEditor/Wirecloud/?root=fiware)
>     Following the same idea, I added Wirecloud as an Instance of the
>     "Composition Editor" GE in the catalogue, but the other instance
>     (the "Mashup Factory") is still missing. I imagine that our
>     colleagues from DT will be responsible for providing the content,
>     but I'm not sure if they will have the rights to do so because for
>     the time being I'm the owner of the GE.
>     Finally, if you enter the "Execution Engine" directory:
>     https://forge.fi-ware.eu/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/FI-WARE/Apps/ExecutionEngine/?root=fiware
>     You will see that "Wirecloud" is replicated there. This is because
>     Wirecloud is an instance (OSS reference implementation) of both
>     the Composition Editor and the Execution Engine GEs. The same will
>     occur in the catalogue: Wirecloud will appear as an instance of
>     both GEs. Am I right? Does it make sense for you?
>     Last, but not least: regarding the "ownership" of the GEs. I think
>     I'm now the "owner" of both the Composition Editor and the
>     Composition Execution Engine GEs just because I created the two
>     entries in the catalogue :-(  Of course I will agree with any
>     change in this respect. And of course I volunteer to upload /
>     copy&paste any information you provide (instances, descriptions,
>     documentation, etc.).
>     Best regards,
>     Javier
>     2012/7/24 Leidig, Torsten <torsten.leidig at sap.com
>     <mailto:torsten.leidig at sap.com>>
>     Hi Matteo,
>     I think there is still a lot of confusion. I hate to re- open the
>     discussion what a GE actually is. For WP3 we more or less agreed,
>     that a GE is a collection of generic functionalities, which can be
>     accessed by a set of API (Open Specifications).  Composition of
>     services is such a generic functionality. It now happens that we
>     have 4 different implementations (different mechanisms, paradigms,
>     technologies) for this GE. On top of this very generic GE one can
>     have specific GE, which reduces the options for the technologies
>     and APIs. We haven’t done this yet for the Composition but
>     possible specific GE could be Mashup Composition, Data-driven
>     Composition, Process-driven Composition, and Semantic-driven
>     Composition.  What we currently have is 4 different
>     implementations of the GE made from assets of the individual
>     partners. Some of them are only provided as a service (no code
>     will be available for developers) some are Open Source and the
>     code could be downloaded to run an own instance.
>     I know other chapters (esp. Ch 9 ) has a slightly different view.
>     You see a GE as a specific piece of code  (or also  a concrete
>     instance exposing their services on certain endpoints?) that can
>     be used by the developer to incorporate it within new applications.
>     Therefore a sentence like “sell and advertise a GE” via the
>     Catalog raises confusion.
>     To make it very explicit:
>        Should we make an entry in the catalog even if we provide only
>     a service on demand and do not deliver any code or an instance in
>     the Testbed infrastructure?
>     Regards,
>     Torsten
>     Dr. Torsten Leidig
>     SAP Research Center CEC Karlsruhe
>     SAP AG
>     Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str. 1
>     76131 Karlsruhe
>     T +49 6227 7 52535 <tel:%2B49%206227%207%2052535>
>     F +49 6227 78 29753 <tel:%2B49%206227%2078%2029753>
>     E torsten.leidig at sap.com <mailto:torsten.leidig at sap.com>
>     http://www.sap.com
>     Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements:
>     http://www.sap.com/company/legal/impressum.epx
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>     *From:*fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu
>     <mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>     [mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu
>     <mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>] *On Behalf Of
>     *Matteo Melideo
>     *Sent:* Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 11:28
>     *To:* Javier Soriano (FI-UPM)
>     *Cc:* fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>     <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>; Alvaro Arranz; Dalle
>     Carbonare Davide
>     *Subject:* Re: [Fiware-apps] IMPORTANT: About WP3 Composition GEs
>     and the Catalogue
>     Dear  Javier,
>     sorry if I jump into the discussion but this is something me, as
>     leader of the Wp9 should clarify.
>     What a GE is will be up to each GE owner and each wp leader. If
>     the Ericsson Composition Engine can be used a a stand alone
>     application why not considering it a GE? If there is an instance
>     of the engine running on the Testbed, why not considering this as
>     a GE? It will be the GE providers (in line with the WP rule and
>     policy) which should decide the strategy on what publish and how.
>     The Catalogue is just a place where it is possible to *_sell and
>     advertise_* about the GEs the PPP stakeholders and not only. In
>     this respect, we suggested to publish before those GEs available
>     on the Testbed and later the other just to be aligned with the
>     Testbed and avoid giving false expectations.
>     I hope this clarify
>     Best
>     Matteo Melideo
>     Il 24/07/2012 11:14, Javier Soriano (FI-UPM) ha scritto:
>         Dear Uwe,
>         How can a GE (an abstract artefact) be available on the FIWARE
>         Testbed?
>         Am I wrong or is an instance of the GE (e.g. WireCloud Mashup
>         Platform) and not the GE itself (e.g. Composition Editor GE)
>         what have to be made available on the FIWARE Testbed?
>         Who is/are the owner/s of both the Composition Editor GE and
>         the Composition Execution Engine GE? Ericsson as Task
>         leader? Sorry if I was wrong and should not have uploaded the
>         descriptions :-(
>         Best regards,
>         Javier
>         2012/7/24 Riss, Uwe <uwe.riss at sap.com <mailto:uwe.riss at sap.com>>
>         Dear Javier,
>         I have checked the WPL/W
>         PA minutes, which say that GE owners are expected to “submit
>         description of GEs that will be available on the FI-WARE Testbed”.
>         That is the status.
>         Best regards,
>         Uwe
>         *From:*Javier Soriano (FI-UPM) [mailto:jsoriano at fi.upm.es
>         <mailto:jsoriano at fi.upm.es>]
>         *Sent:* Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 09:35
>         *To:* Leidig, Torsten; Riss, Uwe
>         *Cc:* fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>         <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>; Rafael Fernández;
>         Alvaro Arranz
>         *Subject:* IMPORTANT: About WP3 Composition GEs and the Catalogue
>         Dear Uwe, Torsten, dear colleagues,
>         Unfortunately, no one from UPM can attend today's conf call.
>         We will any case catch up through the minutes.
>         Nevertheless, we have some questions and concerns regarding a
>         recent mail we've received (yesterday) from Osama Sammodi
>         (from WP9). Osama asked us to provide in the FIWARE catalogue
>         (http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/) information for the
>         Composition Editor GE we are responsible for.
>         Uwe, could you please include this matter in the agenda for
>         today's conf call.  End of July is a hard deadline to get it done.
>         I think there is a general misunderstanding because most of
>         the entries in the catalogue represents products (i.e.
>         instances) instead of GEs on their own.
>         For example, concerning WP3, Ericsson has already added the
>         following entry:
>         ---
>             Ericsson Composition Engine
>             <http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/104> (http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/104)
>         The Ericsson Composition Engine is a toolset for creating and
>         executing composed services and applications. It consists of a
>         Composition Editor and an Execution Engine.
>         ---
>         Which clearly (at least for me) represents one instance of the
>         Composition Execution Engine GE, but not the GE itself.
>         Moreover, the description references the actual GEs that
>         instance "implements": Composition Editor and Execution
>         Engine.  Am I wrong?
>         The same occurs with other entries. For example:
>         CEP GE refers to IBM technology:
>         http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/146
>         BigData Analysis refers to some components (SAMSON Platform,
>         MongoDB, Apache HDFS):
>         http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/158
>         etc.
>         The entries for "Service Description Repository" and
>         "Marketplace", IMHO, are by far the best examples and reflect
>         accurately the concept of GE. We should follow the same schema
>         for the rest of GEs, shouldn't we?
>         For the time being, in order progress in the matter, I have
>         created two entries:
>             Composition Editor
>             <http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/166> (http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/166)
>         This Generic Enabler helps either the service provider or the
>         end user (prosumer) to create composed services (from the
>         back-end perspective) and application mashups (from the
>         front-end perspective), respectively, in a graphical way
>             Composition Execution Engine
>             <http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/170> (http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/170)
>         Exposes and executes the composed services which result from
>         using the Composition Editor Generic Enabler or are defined in
>         a execution language supported by the tool
>         Please find attached a doc with most of the content I've
>         created for each entry. If you want to change or add anything,
>         please let me know. For the time being, they are "under
>         revision" and I'm not sure if you can edit my entries (to
>         change the description of the GEs, to include new instances,
>         etc.) or even see them. If necessary, I can share with you my
>         credentials (user/password)
>         I'm not sure about what is expected to be included in the
>         "downloads" and the "documentation" sections:
>         downloads/documentation regarding the GE?
>         downloads/documentation regarding each instance? For example, in
>             Ericsson Composition Engine
>             <http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/104> (http://fi-ware.cloud.labs.ericsson.net/node/104)
>         Ericsson has included the "Ericsson Composition Engine,
>         Advanced Composition Editor User's Guide", which refers to an
>         instance of the Composition Execution Engine GE. Am I wrong?
>         Best regards,
>         Javier
>         -- 
>         ************************************************
>         Dr. Javier Soriano
>         Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
>         e Ingeniería de Software
>         Facultad de Informática
>         Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>         Campus de Montegancedo
>         28660 - Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
>         Spain
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>     ************************************************
>     Dr. Javier Soriano
>     Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
>     e Ingeniería de Software
>     Facultad de Informática
>     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>     Campus de Montegancedo
>     28660 - Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
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>     ************************************************
>     Dr. Javier Soriano
>     Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
>     e Ingeniería de Software
>     Facultad de Informática
>     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>     Campus de Montegancedo
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> Dr. Javier Soriano
> Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
> e Ingeniería de Software
> Facultad de Informática
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> Campus de Montegancedo
> 28660 - Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
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