[Fiware-apps] FI-WARE WP3 Call

Riss, Uwe uwe.riss at sap.com
Tue Mar 20 10:08:39 CET 2012

When: Dienstag, 20. März 2012 10:00-11:00 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna.
Where: https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/fi-ware_apps/

Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.


Dear WP3 Partners,

I’d like to invite you to the next FI-WARE Apps calls, regularly on Tuesday. I will send the agenda separately. I have corrected the link in the subject now.

Best regards,

To join the meeting: https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/D026158
Participant Passcode: 656 085 0596

Adobe Connectivity Test: https://admin.acrobat.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm

Austria, Vienna:  +43 1 2530 21750     tel:+431253021750,,6560850596#
Belgium, Brussels:  +32 2 404 0657     tel:+3224040657,,6560850596#
Czech Republic, Prague:  +420 228 882 890     tel:+420228882890,,6560850596#
Denmark, Copenhagen:  +45 32 71 16 49     tel:+4532711649,,6560850596#
Estonia, Tallinn:  +372 622 6444     tel:+3726226444,,6560850596#
Finland, Helsinki:  +358 9 2310 1631     tel:+358923101631,,6560850596#
France, Paris:  +33 1 70 70 17 77     tel:+33170701777,,6560850596#
Germany, Frankfurt:  +49 69 2222 10764     tel:+4969222210764,,6560850596#
Germany, Munich:  +49 89 7104 24682     tel:+4989710424682,,6560850596#
Greece, Athens:  +30 21 1181 3805     tel:+302111813805,,6560850596#
Hungary, Budapest:  +36 1 778 9215     tel:+3617789215,,6560850596#
Ireland, Dublin:  +353 1 247 6192     tel:+35312476192,,6560850596#
Israel, Tel Aviv:  +972 3 763 0750     tel:+97237630750,,6560850596#
Italy, Milan:  +39 02 3600 9839     tel:+390236009839,,6560850596#
Italy, Rome:  +39 06 4523 6623     tel:+390645236623,,6560850596#
Latvia, Riga:  +371 6778 2556     tel:+37167782556,,6560850596#
Lithuania, Vilnius:  +370 5205 5165     tel:+37052055165,,6560850596#
Luxembourg:  +352 2487 1454     tel:+35224871454,,6560850596#
Netherlands, Amsterdam:  +31 20 716 8291     tel:+31207168291,,6560850596#
Norway, Oslo:  +47 21 50 27 61     tel:+4721502761,,6560850596#
Poland, Warsaw:  +48 22 212 0699     tel:+48222120699,,6560850596#
Portugal, Lisbon:  +351 21 781 0275     tel:+351217810275,,6560850596#
Romania, Bucharest:  +40 21 529 3917     tel:+40215293917,,6560850596#
Slovakia, Bratislava:  +421 2 3300 2610     tel:+421233002610,,6560850596#
Slovenia, Ljubljana:  +386 1 888 8261     tel:+38618888261,,6560850596#
Spain, Barcelona:  +34 93 800 0782     tel:+34938000782,,6560850596#
Spain, Madrid:  +34 91 769 9443     tel:+34917699443,,6560850596#
Sweden, Stockholm:  +46 8 5033 6514     tel:+46850336514,,6560850596#
Switzerland, Geneva:  +41 22 592 7995     tel:+41225927995,,6560850596#
Switzerland, Zurich:  +41 43 456 9248     tel:+41434569248,,6560850596#
UK, London:  +44 20 3364 5639     tel:+442033645639,,6560850596#
US and Canada:  1-866-312-7353     tel:18663127353,,6560850596#

Phone Type: Please note countries listed with a city are local access, all others are International Toll Free.
If you need assistance, please contact Premiere Global Services support via this link: https://sap.support.pgiconnect.com/marketing/contacts.html

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