[Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] *** IMPORTANT *** ON catalogue status and actions to do

Leidig, Torsten torsten.leidig at sap.com
Wed Sep 12 10:26:53 CEST 2012

FYI. Regarding the style guidelines for the catalog entries.

From: fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Davide Dalle Carbonare
Sent: Dienstag, 11. September 2012 15:26
To: fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-wpa] [Fiware-wpl] *** IMPORTANT *** ON catalogue status and actions to do

Dear All,

I apologize for this last minute update but we discovered a misalignment between the
the guidelines circulated yesterday and what's reported on the Catalogue page of the
public FI-WARE wiki.

The headers of the sections for Overview and Description pages have to start from H2
while H3 and H4 have to be used for nested levels. I attach the updated document and
I'm going report everything also on the wiki page right now

For those pages that already respect the template and have used the H3 for section
headers, I proceed to update the tag to H2 for them. For the others that still do not
respect the template, they will set that tag by themselves.

Thank you for your collaboration,
Kind Regards,
On 11/09/2012 09:31, Juanjo Hierro wrote:

  Please take care of this as soon as possible.

  There will be an InfoDay tomorrow where we will present the FI-WARE Catalogue and this means that lot of people will connect afterwards.   Our work may not look that professional if entries follow totally disparate formats.


-- Juanjo


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

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On 10/09/12 16:46, Matteo Melideo wrote:
Dear All,
as agreed during the today conference call here below is the list of published GE which deserve some stylish revision according to the attached guidelines.

- Light Semantic Composition Editor (font size not compliant)
- Marketplace
- Mashup Factory
- Mediator
- Service Description Repository
- Wirecloud Mashup Platform

- CEP GE (fonts size not compliant)

- Gataway Device Management
- Things Management GE

- CloudEdge

- DataHandling
- DB Anonymiser Security Service
- Identity Management One - IDM

@All: despite we went through all of them, please check that also those GEs not mentioned in the list respect the fort size and style reported in the attached guidelines.

Do not hesitate to contact me or Davide for any additional clarification.

Best regards



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