[Fiware-apps] FW: [Subsidies] URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Tue Feb 19 10:42:35 CET 2013


From: koen casier [mailto:koen.casier at intec.ugent.be]
Sent: Montag, 18. Februar 2013 21:39
To: Fasse, Axel
Cc: Sofie Verbrugge; Leidig, Torsten; Juanjo Hierro (jhierro at tid.es); Marlies Van der Wee; Tanguy Coenen; Pieter Ballon
Subject: Re: [Subsidies] URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Dear Axel, all,

As mentioned in the description of work we have made up a intermediate document,
in which we describe the way BEMES will work in the Fi-Ware consortium.
You will find this document in attachment.
This document is meant as a working document,
in which we will map the specifications for the business modeling
and business element calculations to the specific needs of the Fi-Ware partners.
As such we welcome you all very much to read this document,
and propose additions or changes and ask for clarifications whenever necessary.

Additionally we have added in the document some specific questions
to the other partners in Fi-Ware WP3 regarding the specifications and calculations.
These can be discussed during tomorrows or one of the consecutive conference calls.

This working document should lead to a clear description (standard) of
1 - the different (visual) modeling approaches and their meaning
2 - the extensible storage and exchange format (most probably XML based) of these models
3 - at least one simulation or calculation algorithm per modeling approach.

Tanguy will be participating in the conference call tomorrow,
as both Sofie as myself are absent.

best regards,
Koen Casier

On 2/18/2013 1:19 PM, Fasse, Axel wrote:
Dear Sofie,

because of the "unclear" legal status and because of the fact that some partners have to check with their legal departments if they can allow your participation in our internal discussions I would suggest the following compromise:

Because of the fact that we have to discuss some important "internal" topics with our partners, I would suggest that you call up at 10:30.
I think that we can finalize the "internal" discussions within the first 30 Minutes. We should use the remaining 30 Minutes (10:30 - 11:00) together with you to allow the presentation of you project and to discuss your planned contribution to WP3 with our partners.

Would that be OK for you?

As far as I understand Juanjo, he is working on a solution that ensures a quick completion of the legal discussions.

Hopefully we are able to finalize these legal discussions within the next days. Until we have no official agreement about your participation within FI-WARE, we can (and should) use this workaround (using the first 30 Minutes for WP3 internals issues and topics, and the last 30 Minutes with you and your partner/colleagues) to minimize further delays.

Would that be OK for you?

Best regards,

To join the meeting: https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/fi-ware_wp3_call/

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From: Sofie Verbrugge [mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.ugent.be]
Sent: Montag, 18. Februar 2013 12:56
To: Fasse, Axel
Cc: Leidig, Torsten; Juanjo Hierro (jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>); Koen Casier; Marlies Van der Wee; Tanguy Coenen; Pieter Ballon
Subject: Re: [Subsidies] URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Dear Axel,

Can you please confirm that we can participate in tomorrow's conf call?
What is the exact time and the dail-in information?

Because of a business trip I cannot attend myself, but my colleagues Koen Caiser en Tanguy Coenen will join.
We can provide you with some material for discussion by tonight.

Thanks a lot for your answer!

On 05-Feb-13 3:04 PM, Sofie Verbrugge wrote:
Dear Axel,

Thank you very much for this reply!
We will be happy to start discussing with the WP3 partners.

Unfortunately Tue 12/2 is not possible for us because of a holiday.
Could we have this call on Tue 19/2 in the regular timeslot?
Clearly, we will provide you with some material to start the discussion before the call.

In the meantime, is there any feedback you can provide us with already at this point in time?
E.g. reviewer feedback on the requirements for this task?

Best regards,

On 05-Feb-13 2:17 PM, Fasse, Axel wrote:
Dear Sofie,

I would suggest to start the discussion between your project (your partners) and WP3 as soon as possible.
Because of this I would like to ask you to prepare some slides for our next WP3 Call. This could be a good starting point for the discussions about possible collaboration with other WP3-partners. In order to avoid any surprise I would suggest to start with your session on Tuesday the 12.02.2013 at 10:00 am. Would that be OK for you?
If yes, please let me know and I will send you the SAP Connect details to share the slides.

I this this "early start" allows you (and our WP partner) a first discussion about your contributions to our WP.
It would be fine if you can agree on this approach. We can discuss the concrete next steps within the call.
So please let me know your decision.

Best regards,

From: Sofie Verbrugge [mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.ugent.be]
Sent: Montag, 4. Februar 2013 15:49
Cc: Fasse, Axel; subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>; Leidig, Torsten
Subject: Re: [Subsidies] URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Dear Javier,

The fact that our starting date was postponed, what impact does it have on the end date for the project or our involvement of the project?

In other words: can you let me know the official end date of the project for us?


On 04-Feb-13 2:20 PM, JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ wrote:
Dear all, the amendment is not approved yet, we're still working on it. EC has to approve it (I think EC will approve it in the coming days).

De: subsidies-bounces at tid.es<mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es> [mailto:subsidies-bounces at tid.es] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: lunes, 04 de febrero de 2013 13:08
Para: Sofie Verbrugge; Fasse, Axel
CC: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>; Leidig, Torsten
Asunto: Re: [Subsidies] URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Dear Sofie & Axel.
We have a short slot of time to update the new amendment on NEF.
The modifications in the Dow are only according with the addition of iMinds (and the rest of new beneficiaries of Open Call 1).
The redefinition of WP3 is postposed to the following amendments. They are not approved by P.O. yet.
So, the technical definition of Task 3.3 is unchanged.

The starting date of iMinds is February 1st, 2013.


Enviado el: jueves, 31 de enero de 2013 14:38
Para: Sofie Verbrugge
CC: Fasse, Axel; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es>; Leidig, Torsten; JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA
Asunto: Re: URGENT - Re: FW: status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?

Dear Sofie,

  I have managed to talk with our PO Arian Zwegers this morning (he had just arrived from his holidays few days ago) and he has agreed to open a session in NEF to negotiate an amendment dealing with just the inclusion of the new beneficiaries selected as a result of the 1st FI-WARE Open Call.   I have proposed this formula to him as a mean to accelerate the process because, this way, other issues which require a more careful revision/discussion in the current draft amendment (there were many other changes pending) will not mean any delay on incorporation of new beneficiaries selected through as a result of the 1st Open Call.

  Hope the whole process may be finalized in February.

  Now he are going to send our PO a version of the current DoW with just the changes associated to incorporation of beneficiaries selected as a result of the 1st Open Call.   One decision we have to make is what date we should declare there as the official start of activities of BEMES partners in the FI-WARE project.   As explained before, this may be whatever date we agree to and looks reasonable.   Even though it's true that you haven't been incorporated at full speed from that date (e.g., we haven't yet included you in any mailing lists, nor have created accounts in FusionForge, etc) nor have had the opportunity to start cooperating with other partners, this may allow you to justify some costs.

  I would go for declaring beginning of February (could be even earlier) so that this may help you to start interacting with partners in your WP (provided SAP check they do not have any objection).   However, I leave this decision to you and SAP, as leader of the WP.   Please let us know what date you agree to define as starting date by sending an email to Javier de Pedro (in copy) with cc/ to Jose Jimenez, subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es> and myself.   Javier will incorporate the date in the new DoW.

  Although I guess this message clarifies many questions, I have answered below the questions in your previous message.


-- Juanjo Hierro


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect

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On 14/01/13 10:09, Sofie Verbrugge wrote:
Dear Juanjo, Axel,

I would like to remind you about the questions in my e-mail below.
Since we are mid January already we would like to get really involved in Fiware asap!!

First, some administrative questions
- What is the exact start and end time of the project for us?
  The starting date should be the one you agree with SAP.   It may be February 1st or even earlier if you agree that some preparation activities have been relevant enough as to justify costs.   End date will be end of the project, planned for end of April 2014.
- Is there already a updated Grant Agreement? Or an amendment?
  I guess this has been answered above.   I assume that an amendment of the DoW will be ready end of this week or early next week and I expect that our PO will be able to approve it before mid February.   I feel positive now that the process will be closed by end of February.
- Is there already an updated Consortium and Collaboration Agreement?

  These will be documens that will come together with the Amended Grant Agreement you will have to sign.

Furthermore, some content related questions
- Is the updated DoW finalized?
  We are producing a new version of the DoW with just the changes that have to do with inclusion of new beneficiaries as a result of the 1st Open Call in order to speed up the process.   We expect it to be ready by end of this week, Monday next week.   However, we need that you confirm us what date declare there as official date from which BEMES partners have started working in FI-WARE.
- What would be the first FI-ware meeting where we could attend and discuss in detail about the BEMES use cases?
  If we are talking about WP3 meetings, whatever meeting that happens to be after the start date you agree with SAP.
- When can we start attending the WP3 conf calls on Tuesday (we would really like to start next week Jan 22nd)!

  Again, whenever SAP agrees as well as the rest of partners in WP3.   You can count that TID agrees.   I guess that your attendance to plenary meetings or inclusion in project-level mailing lists, private wikis, etc may need to wait until the amendment is approved because some partners may object.


-- Juanjo

Could you please get back to us as soon as possible?
Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

On 18-Dec-12 8:16 AM, Fasse, Axel wrote:
Dear Juanjo,

we have had a lot of discussions about the concrete timeline to start the "onboarding" of our new WP3 Partner BEMES.
After a short conversation via mail we get aware of the fact that there are "some" important open questions that have been send to you by Sofie.
I would highly recommend too answer these questions as soon as possible to ensure a smooth onboarding that starts at the beginning of 2013.
With respect to the original plans we have a big delay, so we should support the new partner from now on as optimal as possible to avoid any kind of trouble.
If you need support from WP3 or BEMES, please let us know.

Best regards,

-------- Original Message --------

status of iMinds added as a Fi-ware consortium partner?


Tue, 11 Dec 2012 15:48:27 +0100


Sofie Verbrugge <sofie.verbrugge at intec.ugent.be><mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.ugent.be>


JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ <jdps at tid.es><mailto:jdps at tid.es>


subsidies at tid.es<mailto:subsidies at tid.es> <subsidies at tid.es><mailto:subsidies at tid.es>, JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

Dear Javier and Juan,

Could you please let us know the status of the process of adding us as a partner to the FI-WARE consortium?

First, some administrative questions
- What is the exact start and end time of the project for us?
- Is there already a updated Grant Agreement? Or an amendment?
- Is there already an updated Consortium and Collaboration Agreement?

Furthermore, some content related questions
- Is the updated DoW finalized?
- What would be the first FI-ware meeting where we could attend and discuss in detail about the BEMES use cases?

Thanks in advance for letting us know!

Read more about it: http://www.iminds.be

On 28/11/2012 16:39, JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ wrote:

As you know, we are working on adding you as a partner in the FI-WARE project from its first Open Call.
So, I kindly ask you to send the completed Bank Account Detail Form in order to transfer the first tranche of the pre-financing (after the official approval of Commission)

[cid:part21.00020407.01070605 at intec.ugent.be]


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Sofie Verbrugge

Department of Information Technology

Internet-based Broadband Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)

Ghent University - IBBT

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium

M: +32 494 46 30 72

T: +32 9 33 14 880; T Secr: +32 9 33 14 900

F: +32 9 33 14 899

E: sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be<mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be>

W: www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te<http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te>


Sofie Verbrugge

Department of Information Technology

Internet-based Broadband Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)

Ghent University - IBBT

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium

M: +32 494 46 30 72

T: +32 9 33 14 880; T Secr: +32 9 33 14 900

F: +32 9 33 14 899

E: sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be<mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be>

W: www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te<http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te>


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This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at:


Sofie Verbrugge

Department of Information Technology

Internet-based Broadband Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)

Ghent University - IBBT

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium

M: +32 494 46 30 72

T: +32 9 33 14 880; T Secr: +32 9 33 14 900

F: +32 9 33 14 899

E: sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be<mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be>

W: www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te<http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te>


Sofie Verbrugge

Department of Information Technology

Internet-based Broadband Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)

Ghent University - IBBT

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium

M: +32 494 46 30 72

T: +32 9 33 14 880; T Secr: +32 9 33 14 900

F: +32 9 33 14 899

E: sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be<mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be>

W: www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te<http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te>


Sofie Verbrugge

Department of Information Technology

Internet-based Broadband Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)

Ghent University - IBBT

Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium

M: +32 494 46 30 72

T: +32 9 33 14 880; T Secr: +32 9 33 14 900

F: +32 9 33 14 899

E: sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be<mailto:sofie.verbrugge at intec.UGent.be>

W: www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te<http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be/te>

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