[Fiware-apps] FI-WARE-DoW-WP3-Amendment 4 - v1.docx

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Mon Mar 4 15:01:33 CET 2013

Dear Partners,

Because of the great amount of version of our DoW I have finalized a first round of a consolidation.
I have done the changes that were discussed last year together with Uwe and I have integrated the content of iMinds and UPM.

For some partners we have to find a good explanation for their work in WP3 (ENG, Thales), otherwise we might run into trouble within the next review.
So I would like to ask ENG and Thales to take care about this topic and provide an updated version until tomorrow (05.03.2012 at 16:00).

All the colleagues that are not in the role of a Task-Leader, please check and update the information for your task and contribution and send an update to your task lead.

I have marked the leader of each of the tasks in red and I what to ask the Task-Leads to ensure that the text valid, please have a look at:

·         The explanations

·         The PM's

·         ...
Please help your task lead to deliver the update in time.

Beside this I plan to delete the task 3.4 if I did not hear any complains.

I will consolidate the Task-Lead contributions and create a new version by end of tomorrow.
Afterwards I will send out this new version to all of you for the final review. Please take into account that we have to deliver the document on Thursday.

Best regards,

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