[Fiware-apps] FI-WARE WP3 Call

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Tue Mar 12 13:47:13 CET 2013

Dear WP3 Partners,

I'd like to invite you to the next FI-WARE Apps calls, regularly on Tuesday. I will send the agenda separately. I have corrected the link in the subject now.

Best regards,

To join the meeting: https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/fi-ware_wp3_call/

Participant Passcode: 9525481261

Germany, Frankfurt      : +49 69 2222 10764
Germany : 0800 588 9331
France, Paris   : +33 1 70 70 17 77
Ireland, Dublin : +353 1 247 6192
Italy, Milan    : +39 02 3600 9839
Switzerland, Zurich     : +41 43 456 9248
UK, London      : +44 20 3364 5639

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