[Fiware-apps] FI-WARE Architecture Review

Leidig, Torsten torsten.leidig at sap.com
Wed Mar 13 10:34:55 CET 2013

Dear WP3 partners,

it seems that Friday 9-11 is the optimal time to do our architecture review for the second revision of the architecture delivery. Please be aware that we are already late with the first version to be reviewed by our peer WP. So please be prepared to go into a detailed discussion about the GE and their interconnection. The goal is to get a clear understanding of everybody what needs to be changed by whom.


1.      Structure and content of the architecture deliverable and document generation process
2.      Collect list of additions and changes for the second revision for every partner
3.      Discussion of the overall architecture diagram
4.      Discussion of the themes (integration scenarios)

To join the meeting: https://sap.emea.pgiconnect.com/D029752
Participant Passcode: 581 095 2139

Adobe Connectivity Test: https://admin.acrobat.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm

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If you need assistance, please contact Premiere Global Services support via this link: https://sap.support.pgiconnect.com/marketing/contacts.html

Best regards,


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