[Fiware-apps] RSS & BEMES Alignment

Fasse, Axel axel.fasse at sap.com
Mon Mar 18 17:46:46 CET 2013

Dear all,

as discussed we should have a next call to align the contributions from Telefonica (RSS) and BEMES.
Hopefully the date and the time fulfill your needs. If not, please let me know.

I would suggest to start with a short presentation from Telefonica about the RSS Contribution (Presenter: Pablo)
*       Ideas
*       Concepts
*       Demo
*       Plans

And have afterwards a presentation from BEMES about their (Presenter: Sofie or Koen)
*       Ideas
*       Concepts
*       Plan's
*       Demo

Afterward we should have an intensive discussion about possible alignments.

Best regards,

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