Hi Thorsten, the chapter 4.4.4. is OK for us even if our Mediator implementation is more focused on Data and protocol mediation than process mediation. My understanding is that this chapter should list all mediator capabilities not only the ones implemented by TI so we have to check with THALES but probably we can drop the paragraph on process mediation for instance because it is not our focus and probably neither their focus. In my understanding they added features related to dynamic mediation tasks and semantics Only to check if I well understood. Are you going to move the paragraph 4.4.4. to ? I have no issue about that Marco ____________________ Telecom Italia Marco Ughetti Tilab & Global Consulting Services Platforms & Technology Evolution Services Platforms Innovation via G. Reiss Romoli, 274 - 10148 Torino +39 011228 5654 +39 331 6001596 Da: Sandfuchs, Thorsten [mailto:thorsten.sandfuchs at sap.com] Inviato: lunedì 13 maggio 2013 18:00 A: Ughetti Marco; fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu Cc: Cappadona Davide (Guest) Oggetto: RE: [Fiware-apps] WP11 Deliverables Submission D.11.2.2 - Product vision by domain contributions Hi Marco, Thanks for your contribution - I would even just add a complete subchapter about "Mediation" in the chapter 4.4.7 - e.g. " Supporting Interoperability with Mediation" - although it is formally part of the composition task, I think the mediator should be positioned like this, right? I can't find any changes to the chapter "4.4.4 Generic Enablers for Mediation". Therefore I would assume that you reviewed it and found it "OK" and all the relevant mediation cases: Data, Protocol and Process still would apply in the our/your current way of thinking. In the end this can be as well a chance to drop paragraphs which might disturb or blur our messaging. E.g. if you would focus on "Data mediation" - just to pick any of the Mediation paradigms, then you could now just make this more clearer in the document - it might be because of good reasons and in order to focus on one "relevant" Mediation part only. This would finally help the reviewers and in the end the general public understand better what we _actually_ provide - and this is - at least in my point of view - the exercise that we are currently going through with redefinition of this product vision as part of the exploitation deliverable: Focusing on the things that really did matter or will matter within the rest of the project. Thanks for your support! Best, /Thorsten From: Ughetti Marco [mailto:marco.ughetti at telecomitalia.it] Sent: Montag, 13. Mai 2013 17:24 To: Sandfuchs, Thorsten; fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu> Cc: Cappadona Davide (Guest) Subject: R: [Fiware-apps] WP11 Deliverables Submission D.11.2.2 - Product vision by domain contributions Hi all, We have checked the content of the "Generic Enablers for Mediation" chapter and added a contribution to the chapter As a matter of fact the latter relies on the contribution on composition and mashup GEs that should be placed in the same chapter before the mediation part. At least this is my understanding even if in the wiki page the order is the opposite Regards Marco ____________________ Telecom Italia Marco Ughetti Tilab & Global Consulting Services Platforms & Technology Evolution Services Platforms Innovation via G. Reiss Romoli, 274 - 10148 Torino +39 011228 5654 +39 331 6001596 Da: fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Per conto di Sandfuchs, Thorsten Inviato: martedì 7 maggio 2013 16:08 A: fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu> Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-apps] WP11 Deliverables Submission D.11.2.2 - Product vision by domain contributions Dear colleagues from WP3, Although trying to clarify this on the last wp3-meeting there seems to be a misunderstanding. WP11 needs input from your GE perspective on this and so far there was no submission from WP3 in a whole. We need to fix this and I count on your input. Please indicate to me until when you can finish this task and/or how you would propose to solve this and the related commutation to the WPL Juan. To make it more explicit was is needed I attached the document & outlined the tasks below. - D11.2.2 Exploitation_Plan,_including_IPR_Managementv_M24v2404 o The document describe the following § FI-WARE Product Vision by domain: Identify the main Generic Enablers+ FI-WARE Instances with most market potential § FI WARE Market Positioning: GE Development Prioritization Matrix § FI WARE IPR Management § FI WARE Ecosystem Strategy and Business Model § Individual Exploitation Plans o ACTION 2: Please review it Product Vision by domain (Cloud, Data, Iot....) and complete the identified missing inputs (Use Case Scenarios and Business Canvas) and provide feedback - Each WPL its domain and the rest helping, before 3rd of May - 4.4.2. "generic enabler of the business Framework" => TID, UPM, iMinds E-IIS need to check and update their respective paragraphs and send corrective text or "OK" - 4.4.3. "Composition" => ATOS, DT, EAB, UPM needs updates reflecting the four major composition paradigmn, an updated graphic and related text (copy&paste can be used potentially from the architecture description) - 4.4.4. "Generic Enablers for Mediation" => THALES, TI need to check and update the complete chapter and send corrective text or "OK" - 4.4.6 "Business Canvas" -> @all contribute GE your specific input and perspective here - 4.4.7 and subchapters: Juan was only able to provide a blueprint for each sub chapter. You have to fill in for your GE: Benefits, Functions, Business and Stakeholders relationships, Value of FI functionalities o "revenue sharing" § TID o Supporting service composition and crowd-sourcing § UPM, ATOS, THALES, TI Thanks for all of your support, /Thorsten From: fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Sandfuchs, Thorsten Sent: Donnerstag, 25. April 2013 10:00 To: fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu> Subject: [Fiware-apps] FW: [Fiware-exploitation] FW: WP11 Deliverables Submission Roadmap for M24 Dear colleagues, As probably not everybody is part of the WP11 exploitation list, I will distribute this information within this list as well. Action 3 applies to all industry partners: TID, SAP, THALES, TI, DT, EAB, ATOS, E-IIS, iMinds ACTION1: Please review Business Opportunities by domain (Cloud, Data, Iot....) and complete the identified missing inputs and provide feedback - Each WPL its domain and the rest helping, before 3rd of May ACTION 2: Please review it Product Vision by domain (Cloud, Data, Iot....) and complete the identified missing inputs (Use Case Scenarios and Business Canvas) and provide feedback - Each WPL its domain and the rest helping, before 3rd of May ACTION 3: To Update of the individual exploitation plans, last version from M18, into the document or into the wiki https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/exploitation/index.php/Individual- Each FI WARE Partner before 3rd of May Best, /Thorsten From: fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena Sent: Mittwoch, 24. April 2013 19:40 To: fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu> Cc: fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu> Subject: [Fiware-exploitation] FW: WP11 Deliverables Submission Roadmap for M24 Dear Colleagues Please find here enclosed in the following link https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/index.php?group_id=16 and within the folder "Work Versions", "WP11 Final Deliverables M24" the following first draft deliverables, pending to complete and fine-tuning: - D11.1.2-Market and Competition Analysis _M24v2404 o The document describe the following: § Rise on 3rd party platforms and Economy of Internet Apps · Business Opportunities by Tech (Cloud, Big Data, IoT, USDL...and GE combinations) · Business Opportunities by Sector/Industry (Smart Cities, Smart Industry (Grid, logistics, health....) and Smart Home) § The new basis of competition and the superiority of ecosystem economics · The superiority of ecosystem economics · Ecosystems as a new distribution channel · Ecosystem engineering · What is the correct service ecosystem approach with startups and first "external" users of an ICT platform? § The biggest challenges for app businesses (and what to do about them) § The success factors for app store-like platform businesses from the perspective of third-party developers § European Context and trends (barriers, policy...) o ACTION1: Please review Business Opportunities by domain (Cloud, Data, Iot....) and complete the identified missing inputs and provide feedback - Each WPL its domain and the rest helping, before 3rd of May - D11.2.2 Exploitation_Plan,_including_IPR_Managementv_M24v2404 o The document describe the following § FI-WARE Product Vision by domain: Identify the main Generic Enablers+ FI-WARE Instances with most market potential § FI WARE Market Positioning: GE Development Prioritization Matrix § FI WARE IPR Management § FI WARE Ecosystem Strategy and Business Model § Individual Exploitation Plans o ACTION 2: Please review it Product Vision by domain (Cloud, Data, Iot....) and complete the identified missing inputs (Use Case Scenarios and Business Canvas) and provide feedback - Each WPL its domain and the rest helping, before 3rd of May o ACTION 3: To Update of the individual exploitation plans, last version from M18, into the document or into the wiki https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/exploitation/index.php/Individual- Each FI WARE Partner before 3rd of May "Given that there is apparently no intention of joint exploitation between the industrial partners of FI-WARE, The industrial partners are especially urged to improve their own exploitation planning documentation, taking into account the analysis and conclusions reached at the general level · Accordingly, Annex I must be fully updated to reflect the more tangible business view of the industrial partner and a lot more substantive in describing the planned integration of the FI-WARE outcomes into the mainstream business of the industrial partners. · Especially at the industrial partner level, leading to concrete plans for fit-for-deployment FI-WARE instances and other productization opportunities · Engagement FI WARE outcomes with your corporate strategy o In which ecosystems are you going to focus or prioritize. Specifically, ecosystem formation needs to be prioritized strategically. In this respect, we continue to encourage the industrial partners to more actively and extensively engage senior business management to be involved in the exploitation and impact creation activity of the project" Thanks for your collaboration Juan [cid:image001.png at 01CE5090.4093BDE0] Juan Bareño Group Innovation, Business Development & Strategy Research & Innovation +34 912148859 Calle Albarracín 25, 28037 Madrid juan.bareno at atos.net<mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net> www.atos.net<http://www.atos.net/> [cid:image002.gif at 01CE5090.4093BDE0] From: fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena Sent: miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013 19:08 To: fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu> Cc: fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu> Subject: [Fiware-exploitation] WP11 Deliverables Submission Roadmap for M24 Dear Colleagues Following with the submission of Exploitation Deliverables on M24, I enclosed you the following roadmap and the inputs needed to include in each deliverable according to the last comments and recommendations from the last review on M18. Please feel free to suggest some indications or solutions to address the issues identified in each deliverable, based on the recommendations provided by the reviewers. For this work, we are going to leverage on the following draft documents: - 11.1.2- Market Analysis o Rise on 3rd party platforms and Economy of Internet Apps § Business Opportunities by Tech (Cloud, Big Data, IoT, USDL...and GE combinations) § Business Opportunities by Sector/Industry (Smart Cities, Smart Industry (Grid, logistics, health....) and Smart Home) o The new basis of competition and the superiority of ecosystem economics § The superiority of ecosystem economics § Ecosystems as a new distribution channel § Ecosystem engineering § What is the correct service ecosystem approach with startups and first "external" users of an ICT platform? o The biggest challenges for app businesses (and what to do about them) o The success factors for app store-like platform businesses from the perspective of third-party developers o European Context and trends (barriers, policy...) - First Draft of the Whitepaper about Product Vision for identify main use case scenarios and demonstrate the main advantages offered by FI WARE in each domain and identify the main and more potential instances or combinations of GE (PaaS+Big Data, IoT+Big Data.....)- Any advance on this whitepaper? § What GEs can be used in combinations with what other GEs? § Do certain GEs force you to use other GEs? § How about interoperability? § Where is the integration burden, with FI-WARE or the users? - Exploitation and business modeling position paper prepared together with CONCORD and that will be finished on April this month - Assessment of market traction of the relevant GEs in those specific domains of the emerging FI-PPP Phase 1- Feedback from UC questionnaire sent by FI WARE - Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges paper prepared together with CONCORD- Finished - Open Innovation Lab o Terms and Conditions- Status? o Establish the strategy and implementation plan to evolve the FI-WARE Testbed into the "backbone" of the Open Innovation Lab- Any advance on this side? - Third party developers' feedback to the available GEs - Third party Enablement deliverable new version- Is there a new version available? - European Patent System- The policy context for IPR, including the latest development on the matter Resubmission Roadmap: All Deliverables sent on the 15th May - Monday 22nd April- I will send you an initial and significant completed draft of the following three deliverables trying to address the following recommendations provided by reviewers on M18: o D11.1.2 Market and Competition Analysis (M24) § The consortium is urged to keep the parallel segment of Smart Business in dual focus with Smart Cities § Specifically, ecosystem formation needs to be prioritized strategically · The challenge for future versions is to apply the new insights to broaden and deepen the analysis of FI-WARE's own business ecosystem, and relate the present high level view of this ecosystem to the more specific analysis within the GE chapters § Additionally, it would be useful to provide assessment of market traction of the relevant GEs in those specific domains of the FI-PPP Use Case projects § From the conclusion of this document, it is clear that third party innovation enablement will be critical, and it is also intimately linked to building a critical mass for FI-WARE results. · This theme should be further developed from a market and competitive perspective, in close synergy with and inputting directly to the forthcoming deliverables D2.5.2 and D2.5.3 regarding third party uptake o D11.2.2 Exploitation Plan, including IPR Management (M24) § Providing usage scenarios, potential usage patterns (including the 'typical' combined use of GEs), an overview of the status of available GEs including level of Use Case interest, a clear schedule of future GE Releases § Give due and sufficient business consideration to the competitiveness of the GEs with respect to their market benchmarking, innovation potential and attractiveness) for both business and development communities. § Focus on applying 'promising' technologies such as USDL and high impact areas such as IoT. · Provide additional analysis and target promising business ecosystems for GE uptake, beyond Smart Cities. § Provide clear evidence of business planning in the targeted areas through (combined) implementation of GEs. · As a specific suggestion, the market potential of the individual GEs or groupings of GEs could be even more sharply indicated, and possibly even contrasted and prioritized § OIL description · A significant number of critical issues have to be addressed that will ultimately respond to the third party question "Why and how FI-WARE is going to help me to innovate?" o From a practical standpoint more detail is required relating to access, licensing and utilization rights. o Also not yet appropriately addressed is the topic of packaging in terms of what the application developer can access to build FI solutions, such as a starter-kit. § The concrete offering and strategy towards attracting relevant communities remains unclear. · Fostering developer communities fall within the scope of Open Call 3 (launched in December 2012). This however does not mean that present partners can derogate all responsibilities of involving potential users and stakeholders to the future Open Call 3 partners § IPR Management: Regarding a possible integration strategy, the Month 15 Whitepaper about common usage scenarios (and potential usage patterns) for the GEs is long overdue. The issue was also raised by some of the new Phase 2 projects: · What GEs can be used in combinations with what other GEs? · Do certain GEs force you to use other GEs? · How about interoperability? · Where is the integration burden, with FI-WARE or the users? § Establish the strategy and implementation plan to evolve the FI-WARE Testbed into the "backbone" of the Open Innovation Lab, in collaboration and synergy with the upcoming FIPPP Phase 2 Capability Building project. o D11.3.2 Market and Policy Regulation Awareness Report (M24) § Further development of the issues and themes in Section 4.2 from 11.3.1.b is expected, among others, for the next version. § The policy context for IPR, including the latest development on the European Patent System, would deserve greater attention in the next version § It is also encouraging to see more consideration of the platform issues from a regulatory perspective, which should be deepened in the next version o 11.4.3 Standardization (M27) § Please provide feedback to the NEC requirements as an oral update has to be provided in the next review meeting (M24) - Wednesday 30th April- o To Review or complete the identified missing inputs and provide feedback about the three before mentioned deliverables 11.1.2, 11.2.2 and 11.3.2 o To Update of the individual exploitation plans into the wiki: § Given that there is apparently no intention of joint exploitation between the industrial partners of FI-WARE, The industrial partners are especially urged to improve their own exploitation planning documentation, taking into account the analysis and conclusions reached at the general level · Accordingly, Annex I must be fully updated to reflect the more tangible business view of the industrial partner and a lot more substantive in describing the planned integration of the FI-WARE outcomes into the mainstream business of the industrial partners. · Especially at the industrial partner level, leading to concrete plans for fit-for-deployment FI-WARE instances and other productization opportunities § Engagement FI WARE outcomes with your corporate strategy · Also welcomed is the emphasis given on "open model", "open solution", "open services", "open innovation", "open ecosystem" etc. How to start an ecosystem or leverage existing ones remains to be answered though. Equally, what does 'openness' mean beyond marketing, and concretely how it is to be applied in corporate strategy such as on the FI-WARE instances, need to be clarified. · One good example in this respect is the very specific description provided in the Orange presentation in Seville, which clearly explains how usage of several sets of FI-WARE results is linked to its corporate strategy in engaging with the evolution of the services market. · In which ecosystems are you going to focus or prioritize. Specifically, ecosystem formation needs to be prioritized strategically. In this respect, we continue to encourage the industrial partners to more actively and extensively engage senior business management to be involved in the exploitation and impact creation activity of the project. - Friday 10th May- I will consolidate all the outputs and feedback received - Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th - Final review and validation will take place - Wednesday 15th May - We will send the final deliverables Thanks for your collaboration Juan [cid:image001.png at 01CE5090.4093BDE0] Juan Bareño Group Innovation, Business Development & Strategy Research & Innovation +34 912148859 Calle Albarracín 25, 28037 Madrid juan.bareno at atos.net<mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net> www.atos.net<http://www.atos.net/> [cid:image002.gif at 01CE5090.4093BDE0] ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. 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