[Fiware-apps] upload Apps chapter material into Edu-Platform

Heller, Markus markus.heller at sap.com
Wed Oct 2 14:29:45 CEST 2013


We have had a look at the EDU-Platform. Only one asset is present currently: http://edu.fi-ware.eu/course/index.php for Apps Chapter.

You could start to bring your material (e.g. webinars-like material, etc.) onto this education platform to have some info for your GE there. Currently, there is no real deadline set for this in the project since it is your GE owner planning area.

(For example, a more recent reason to start with this now: interested people for the currently starting FI-WARE challenges might also have a look there in the future (similar to looking into the Catalog & FI-Lab, where our GE presence is currently delayed wr.t. approvals/installation). Being used in the challenges would start with giving opportunities that the potential users can inform & test the GEs.)

If of general intereste, we can discuss this matter more in a next WP3 telco, but I guess, it is mainly clear how to proceed here. Just give me a signal if you need more help here as usual.

Best wishes


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