[Fiware-apps] MArket

koen casier koen.casier at intec.ugent.be
Thu Apr 24 23:20:17 CEST 2014

Hi Markus, all,

iMinds is working on this document and a new version can be found in 
We will be finalizing this as soon as possible and at least send a new 
version by tomorrow EOB.
We believe that an update in the course of next week might be required 

Would it be possible to have a look at our new additions on pp. 50-52
and check whether this is in line with the bullet list approach 
suggested in one of the previous mails?

All suggestions for additions and corrections are welcome as well of course.

best regards,

On 4/24/2014 9:35 AM, Heller, Markus wrote:
> Hi UPM, SAP, iMinds,
> Can you please send me a reply today how you plan to proceed here and 
> if ok for you. I have received no reply so I do not know (to my 
> knowledge, you all are not in easter holidays, right?)
> Please note that the deadline for this would be 28.4., please confirm 
> that ok with you.
> Best
> Markus
> *From:*Heller, Markus
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 23. April 2014 15:41
> *To:* Koen Casier (koen.casier at intec.ugent.be); Camille Reynders; 
> Alvaro Arranz; JAVIER LUCIO RUIZ-ANDINO; Javier Soriano 
> (jsoriano at fi.upm.es)
> *Cc:* FI-WARE Apps (fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org)
> *Subject:* RE: MArket
> Hi UPM, SAP, iMinds,
> I attach the drafted WORD (V3). Please check, basically the idea as 
> below....adopting SOTA content and updating and tailoring for 
> different target reader (market analyst instead of state of the art).
> To focus on the most interesting area first, I would think we should 
> put stores/marketplaces analyis and bemes into foreground and move 
> registry/repository into the second, less important line since there a 
> market analysis is less obvious.
> Best
> Markus
> *From:*Heller, Markus
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 23. April 2014 13:49
> *To:* Koen Casier (koen.casier at intec.ugent.be 
> <mailto:koen.casier at intec.ugent.be>); Camille Reynders; JAVIER DE 
> PEDRO SANCHEZ (jdps at tid.es <mailto:jdps at tid.es>); Alvaro Arranz; 
> *Cc:* FI-WARE Apps (fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org 
> <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org>)
> *Subject:* FW: MArket
> Hi UPM, SAP, iMinds, TID,
> For the Market study deliverable, we are together in the *first "usage 
> scenario" group* named "1. Exploring new business models with the 
> Business Framework (@ UPM, SAP, iMinds, TID)", that is why I wrote 
> only to the four of us directly:
> The core idea of how we can structure our text contribution for this 
> deliverable as said before (in the WP3 telco and my mail from 
> yesterday) is to motivate at the beginning re-using/citing from 
> D12.2.2 "Exploitation Plan" storyline of chapter "4.4 Applications 
> Services Ecosystem" that in WP3 there are three /building blocks/ of 
> the infrastructure we provide as WP (Core business framework, 
> composition tools, mediator) and that we have four "/usage scenarios/" 
> as described there.
> I have now started to draft an outline of our contributions needed as 
> input. I can send it around later today so that spaces are assigned 
> where you can fill-in your content -- if you agree.
> For our usage scenario Nr.1 we have to describe (a) Market Structure / 
> Top Players and (b) Vertical Markets, I propose this:
> ·*For (a) Market Structure Top Players:*
> I would create a skeleton text that has multiple slots where you then 
> fill in some content, basically each slot with a top 3-5 list & brief 
> discussion of players or products (preferably discuss players first 
> (reason: if we all this the same, it looks more homogenous, but if 
> more useful, then go ahead and discuss products, afterall we are happy 
> for any contents.....
> You can heavily build on the SOTA content that you wrote before in the 
> Project, so that it is rather consistent naturally. I have copied some 
> content into the template I already sent, but feel free and help 
> yourself. Afterall, just fill your slots...
> If you do not agree, with this skeleton & slots approach, please mail 
> to all mail receivers so that we can discuss in the team.
> ·*For (b): Vertical markets:*
> Here I see a rather loose list with bullet points, where we collect 
> vertical markets and real examples (examples are important as 
> requested by reviewers). Each one of us provides some, so that the 
> whole list gives the overview where we are active. Markets are briefly 
> described (1-2 sentences) and why they are relevant for us here, 
> example also briefly described.
> If you do not agree with this bullet list freestyle approach (chosen 
> mainly because we can contribute individually and puzzle it together), 
> please mail to all mail receivers so that we can discuss in the team.
> OK? Please reply if you agree or not.
> I will send later today or tomorrow early morning the next WORD with 
> my prefilled text areas (not final, but giving you the slots)...
> Best
> Markus
> *From:*Heller, Markus
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 23. April 2014 09:24
> *To:* FI-WARE Apps (fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org 
> <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org>)
> *Subject:* RE: MArket
> Hi all,
> A Hint that I collected from Juan:
> For section 3.4.1 "Market Structure" you might consider using your 
> SOTA content that your wrote in previous deliverables and update this 
> in 4.3.1.
> But please remind, that IMHO you _/must/_ mention in your text 
> relevant companies and product names and discuss them a bit - not only 
> mentioning some technologies (like XML, BPMN, ...), or let me say so 
> that at least I consider this not enough.
> To fulfill this, please do not forget to add such as a "top 3-5 list" 
> of players or product in your market area and add a short discussion 
> of these players or product -- it must not be too long but IMHO should 
> not be missed since it is the minimum example of a market overview.
> Best
> Markus
> *From:*Heller, Markus
> *Sent:* Dienstag, 22. April 2014 17:42
> *To:* FI-WARE Apps (fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org 
> <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.org>)
> *Subject:* MArket
> Hi all,
> Under leadership of Juan Barreno we have to deliver the *WP3 part of 
> D.11.1.3: FI-WARE Market and Competition Analysis*. D11.1.3 goes hand 
> in hand with the D11.2.3 Exploitation Plan where we also have to 
> contribute.
> I attach the current WORD draft of the deliverable and explain the 
> approach (attachment):
> *A)**Table of Contents:*
> Please check the attached WORD, I have structured our WP3 
> contributions to D11.1.3 like this:
> We need to deliver the WP3 part there, where we contribute the 
> complete section 4.3 "Economy of Internet Application".
> Please check also the /COMMENTS/ and the /chapters 4.4ff/ where I 
> (will be deleted) later copy/pasted possible texts from SOTA, Market 
> Study, or Exploitation Plan deliverables which might be helpful for 
> you (or not).
> *B)**Needed Contributions:*
> ·The sections on *"3.4.1 Market Structures"* and *"3.4.2 Vertical 
> Markets"* are requested by Juan and reviewers -- and they will be 
> collectively written by us all.
> ·For this to happen, we will in each subsection simply report along 
> the "*usage scenarios*" concept that we have introduced in our last 
> D11.2.2 "Exploitation Plan".
> Reason behind is that this allows this way to have more targeted 
> areas/partial market where we can write about:
> "These building blocks are described along four *key usage scenarios* 
> (see D11.2.2 Exploitation Plan). In the following, the analysis is 
> structured according to these key usage scenarios which address 
> different partial markets.
> 1.Exploring new business models with the Business Framework (@ UPM, 
> SAP, iMinds, TID)
> 2.Revenue sharing (@TID)
> 3.Supporting service composition and crowd-sourcing (@ATOS, UPM, EAB, DT)
> 4.Supporting Interoperability with Mediation (@TI, THALES)"
> *C)**Teams/Authors:*
> ·per usage scenario, we contribute in the teams as marked above in the 
> YELLOW marking.
> *D)**Deadlines for D11.1.3:*
> **
> ·"Wave 1"-- only for M36 leaving partners (SAP, iminds, DT) àJuan did 
> not set a deadline, so I neded to set one. I set it to 28.April EOB so 
> that we need to deliver this week the contents or on Monday next week.
> ·"Wave 2"-  for all others staying longer àJuan did not set a deadline
> *E)**Your Action Items:*
> ·*@SAP, iMinds, DT:*Please proceed and contribute your part of the 
> work, please reach out to your coauthors for this to happen.
> oOnly wave 1 partners need to contribute NOW (SAP, iMinds, DT), the 
> others can deliver later if they wish according to Juan.
> oI see a *dilemma* that e.g. for usage scenario 1 and 2, wave 1 
> partners need to deliver with wave 2 partners so how to ensure that 
> they fit together.
> oTo solve this dilemma, the *wave 1 partners must write useful (!) 
> section NOW* and contact your wave2 co-authors NOW to align/agree that 
> your wave 1 contribution works together with their wave 2 
> contributions. I will also try to ensure this -- but I will leave in 2 
> weeks so I recommend to organize this between you also to be on the 
> safe side here. Please signal if you have difficulties here, so that I 
> can try to help.
> oWave 1 authors will deliver until deadline (28.4.) and the parts are 
> delivered to TID as "internal deliverable" to get a small contribution 
> certificate that we have delivered.
> ·*@ALL OTHERS:***
> **
> oPlease contact your wave 1 co-authors on your own align/agree with 
> your co-authors NOW that your wave 2 contribution works together with 
> the wave 1 contributions. I will also try to ensure this -- but I will 
> leave in 2 weeks so I recommend to organize this between you also to 
> be on the safe side here. Please signal if you have difficulties here, 
> so that I can try to help.
> Orga Telco possible: If many wish, we can organize a telco /tomorrow/ 
> on this topic to make sure that no questions remain. Please signal 
> your interest...
> Best wishes
> Markus
> ---------
> Hi Markus
> The 28^th is Ok for me
> Best
> Juan
> *Juan Bareño*
> Research & Innovation
> Account Executive European Union Institutions-Iberia
> T. +34 912 148 859
> M. +34 625 598 216
> juan.bareno at atos.net <mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net>
> Albarracín, 25
> 28037 Madrid - Spain
> atos.net
> cid:image002.png at 01CF21D2.D8BA98F0
> *From:*Heller, Markus [mailto:markus.heller at sap.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, April 14, 2014 3:38 PM
> *To:* Bareno Guerenabarrena, Juan
> *Subject:* RE: WP11 Tasks for partners leaving on M36
> Hi Juan,
> What is the deadline date for the Exploitation Plan and for the Market 
> analysis to be delivered to you, I have not found a given deadline 
> below, sorry?
> I guess you do not need to carry out checks but just more or less, if 
> the format etc appropriate, collect our plan and check it and then 
> together with TID issue the "internal deliverable certificate" then 
> for this contribution.
> So would a deadline Monday 28.04. ok you?
> Best
> Markus
> *From:*Bareno Guerenabarrena, Juan [mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net]
> *Sent:* Dienstag, 8. April 2014 20:09
> *To:* fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu 
> <mailto:fiware-exploitation at lists.fi-ware.eu>; 
> fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu <mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; 
> Heller, Markus; Amon, Peter (p.amon at siemens.com 
> <mailto:p.amon at siemens.com>); Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de 
> <mailto:Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de>; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de 
> <mailto:Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de>; Banniza, Thomas-Rolf (Thomas-Rolf 
> (thomas-rolf.banniza at alcatel-lucent.com 
> <mailto:thomas-rolf.banniza at alcatel-lucent.com>); Wuenstel, Klaus 
> (Klaus (klaus.wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com 
> <mailto:klaus.wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com>); Seidl, Robert (NSN - 
> DE/Munich (robert.seidl at nsn.com <mailto:robert.seidl at nsn.com>); 
> koen.casier at intec.ugent.be <mailto:koen.casier at intec.ugent.be>
> *Cc:* lindsay.frost at neclab.eu <mailto:lindsay.frost at neclab.eu>; 
> De-Lama Sanchez, Nuria; mcp at tid.es <mailto:mcp at tid.es>
> *Subject:* WP11 Tasks for partners leaving on M36
> Dear Colleagues
> I need your *contributions to WP11 deliverables before you leave the 
> project on M36.* My colleague Lindsay Frost from NEC, in cc, should 
> demand your contributions for standardization deliverable.
> Basically I need the following:
> ·*Individual exploitation plans, from the partners in the list below*, 
> following the instructions defined in each individual partner profile, 
> see *Annex 1- D11.2.3 attached. *
> ·All the individual exploitation plans should be described in the 
> *Annex 1 of the D11.2.3*
> ·Just additional/significative info that should be consider as 
> confidential could be delivered in a confidential basis to Arian 
> (Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu <mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>)
> ·We will make a follow-up in the next WPL meetings
> cid:image005.jpg at 01CF57F7.E6EEEBF0
> cid:image006.jpg at 01CF57F7.E6EEEBF0
> ·*WP3 contribution*, as SAP leads it, regarding D11.1.3- Apps - Market 
> Analysis (state of art, competitors, similar solutions in the market, 
> potential added value, potential business models...) and D11.2.3- FI 
> WARE Apps building block Exploitation (added value, business model 
> selected, FI-Lab modus operandi.....)-*SEE Initial draft TOCs attached 
> and add or provide reference documents to complete*
> ·Please *take into account the following recommendations for the next 
> review*, some contribution (reference text, studies, references...)  
> for the following recommendations for the review, will be very welcome 
> and appreciated:
> *D11.1.3- Market Analysis*
> ·Analysis of last review recommendations analysis
> ·Continue to analyze ICT Market situation in relation with GEs
> ·The *exploitation of FI technologies in the three main market sectors 
> of Smart Cities, Smart Business, and Smart Home needs to be deepened*
> ·The *perspectives of the demand side*are comparatively lacking even 
> for the main verticals identified, e.g. business related services and 
> manufacturing
> ·The policy and regulatory analysis in relation to the specific themes 
> (Data protection, Cloud Computing, FI-LAB modus operandi)
> *D11.2.3- Exploitation Plan*
> ·*FI-LAB Modus Operandi*, Financing and Business model definition is 
> needed and even how this vehicle is to be created in the first 
> instance is totally opaque and uncertain.
> ·To define the extent of *collaboration with the EIT ICT lab*
> ·The potential policy issues and impact on the specific exploitation 
> activities of FI-WARE partners and the *evolution of the FI LAB should 
> be more specifically*identified and described
> ·At a detailed level, the document is less concrete in the examples 
> and scenario descriptions provided *in the Apps market sections*. Some 
> statements might be (even) more convincing if backed up by survey 
> results; e.g. the business opportunity of the M2M market
> ·*Individual exploitation plans, from the partners in the list below*, 
> following the instructions defined in each individual partner profile, 
> see *Annex 1- D11.2.3 attached.*
> *D11.4.3- Standardization*
> ·A Standardization Global Picture is required, as an effective means 
> to enable market uptake of FI WARE results
> *Juan Bareño*
> Research & Innovation
> Account Executive European Union Institutions-Iberia
> T. +34 912 148 859
> M. +34 625 598 216
> juan.bareno at atos.net <mailto:juan.bareno at atos.net>
> Albarracín, 25
> 28037 Madrid - Spain
> atos.net
> cid:image007.jpg at 01CF57F7.E6EEEBF0

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