[Fiware-apps] FW: Packaging Planning

koen casier koen.casier at intec.ugent.be
Thu Feb 20 09:25:23 CET 2014

Dear Markus,

The explanation you give is a little hard to understand,
you would go for a VM image, perhaps for a recipe (although this is just 
an installation manual) and certainly not for SaaS
Miguel thinks VM images are platform dependent and also dislikes SaaS.
In total I believe we will  provide the packaging of BEMES GE's as a VM 
image and a recipe,
and will leave out the SaaS path.

I hope this is a fair answer to your questions?

best regards,

On 2/19/2014 5:47 PM, Heller, Markus wrote:
> Hi all aka ATOS, UPM, IMINDS (J),
> Basically I got feedback from Miguel (thx MIguel!) on our plans. The 
> addressed topics are (my own text):
> 1)VM images are platform dependant àCan we do better/different to 
> avoid this or do we go with this....
> 2)SaaS-whatever is NOT packaging àI guess this refers to IDM as Global 
> Instance as part of package 2. Can IDM be packaged as well (since a 
> user of the package might not like to use IDM as deployed globally by 
> us and rather use HIS own instance of IDM-Software...
> Let us  to have us think twice about it and decide if we need to adapt 
> somewhere the packages 1,2,3.
> *@ATOS, UPM, IMINDS*: Please reply to me your position and if you 
> change something. Please read my own statement before that.
> Deadline: Tomorrow morning.
> My own considerations here, but please take his notes into account.
> Markus:
> "
> - WM images: platform dependant is not a problem in my eyes. The 
> dedicated instance solution approach is platform based too...? IMO 
> that is ok in my eyes and typically not a problem to a user: he reads 
> system requirements and decides....Recipes: ATOS thinks that they will 
> try with recipes but have no tdone so and since it is not mandatory 
> (and would not be correct to require this since its only a deployment 
> technique not more) and unless they really see they can deliver -> 
> they only commit as advised by me to VM  image as this is a valid 
> contribution ("Dedicated instance") in FI-LAB so it cannot be really 
> rejected and works and I would rather have something that works and is 
> delivered than otherwise. But ATOS knows that recipes are there....
> - SaaS: package 2 is _/not/_ Saas_ really. Only one piece - the IDM - 
> is as SaaS (as they only are available as 1 global instance), so they 
> said that only this is possible. I get your point and this has been 
> discussed but ultimately this team said they can only do this in such 
> a way.
> The rest of the package is recipe based GEs and only IDM is to be 
> hardwired per URL. I think that is ok -- otherwise you need to urge 
> the provider of IDM to also deliver IDM as dedicated instance or 
> something else I guess. .-
> Recipes: No, this is not needed since its a deployment technique not 
> more -- its overhyped a bit since we struggle with even delivering the 
> basics -- working software. So I always vote for first have the basics 
> (VM image e.g) and then of course if possible recipe-based (but only 
> then)...
> For example, for our SAP assets, only dedicated instances are in 
> FI-Lab with no/basic recipes, but surely this works good for us since 
> it's only a very very simple setup in our software.
> "
> Best wishes
> Markus
> ---------------
> [...]
> ------------------
> El 19/02/2014 15:28, koen casier escribió:
>     Hi Markus, all,
>     My first suggestion would be the following (note that this should
>     still be checked by Camille and Tanguy):
>     package 3 - BEMES: Integrated Multi-level business modeling and
>     simulation toolkit
>         Lead iMinds
>         Used GEs: Business Modeler, Business Calculator (there could
>     be possibilities to link to repository and/or RSS)
>         Delivered as (a) 1 single VM image with installed + integrated
>     GEs to be offfered in FILAB as dedicated instances
>         Delivered as (b) 1 integrated SaaS test-version online
>     (outside of the FILAB)
>         Delivered as (c) a recipe for setting up an own version and
>     integrating both GEs together with integration testing procedures
>         TimeLine: R3.3
>         Comments:
>             Story: The installation in (a) allows for a quick
>     installation of a testversion in the FiLAB with all interactions
>     between the tools automated and/or relative to the server path.
>                         This will allow for the business modeling and
>     simulation tools to be setup in a one step process. The business
>     calculator as well as the business modeler both have
>                         a simplified and local storage repository for
>     the models and possibly this could be linked to the repository if
>     interesting.
>                         The installation in (b) allows for direct
>     testing of the front-end and the back-end functionality. This will
>     allow for a quick link with introduction of the tool,
>                         and will be complemented with course material
>     indicating how the tool can be used. Possibly here the link to an
>     SaaS RSS instance could be made.
>                         The installation in (c) is aimed at academic
>     usage (FRAND or free licensing) and commercial offers of the tool
>     with a local installation of the binaries (speed and privacy).
>                         The recipe and integration testing will help
>     in a quick and effortless installation here.
>     best regards,
>     Koen
>     On 2/19/2014 2:11 PM, Heller, Markus wrote:
>         Hi Koen,
>         fine, this would have to be shipped as part of Release 3.
>         Please send until today asap a brief description of your new
>         package following the example template for the other 2.  I
>         plan to send it later today after EOB to Juanjo.
>         1) Package 3:
>         -Name: " " (focus is on XY)
>         -Lead: iMinds
>         -Used GEs: TBD
>         -Delivery: Please describe exactly, if possible. E.g.: "not
>         recipes. Delivered as 1 single VM image with installed +
>         integrated GEs to be offered in FI-LAB as "dedicated instances"
>         -FI-WARE Catalog Pages: iMinds creates them
>         -Timeline: TBD (Release 3)
>         -Comments:
>         nStory: Who does what and what is the benefit of packaging the
>         two together maybe
>         nTechnical details: only if needed
>         Best wishes
>         Markus
>         *From:*fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu
>         <mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>         [mailto:fiware-apps-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] *On Behalf Of
>         *koen casier
>         *Sent:* Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014 10:20
>         *To:* fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>         <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>         *Subject:* Re: [Fiware-apps] Packaging Planning
>         Dear Markus, all,
>         I was not able to attend the conference call yesterday as I
>         was traveling for the FTTH Council,
>         where I am currently presenting the business calculator GE
>         work and mentioning at the same time our work in the full
>         BEMES project.
>         We will of course make a third package containing the linked
>         business calculator and business modeler GE's,
>         to be able to install as a single package.
>         When and where do we have to deliver these packages?
>         best regards,
>         Koen
>         On 2/18/2014 4:35 PM, Heller, Markus wrote:
>             Dear WP3,
>             In today's telco we have defined 2 Packages for the Apps
>             chapter.
>             I plan to forward this list as our chapter's package list
>             to the coordinator on or after Wednesday 19.02 EOB:
>             1) Package 1:
>             -Name: "*Business Framework Provisioning Package*" (focus
>             is on provisioning)
>             -Lead: ATOS, Partners: ATOS, UPM, SAP
>             -Used GEs: COMPEL, Store, Marketplace, Repository
>             -Delivery: not recipes. Delivered as 1 single VM image
>             with installed + integrated GEs to be offered in FI-LAB as
>             "dedicated instances".
>             -FI-WARE Catalog Pages: SAP can create them
>             -Timeline: TBD (Release 3)
>             -Comments:
>             nIdentity Management is left out here (agreed) and is used
>             in package 2.
>             nStory: User uses Store to create an offering (including
>             adding metadata like WSDL link) and to publish it in
>             Marketplace. COMPEL users can find/search it and use it....
>             nTechnically: The service USDL includes as metadata a
>             "link to WSDL". COMPEL relies on this and can access the
>             offered service via WDSL
>             nEnhancement needed in Store so that user can add metadata
>             in USDL. Rest is integrated.
>             2) Package 2:
>             -Name: "*Business Framework Consumption Package*" (focus
>             is on consumption)
>             -Lead: UPM, Partners: UPM, TID, SAP
>             -Used GEs: Wirecloud, Store, Marketplace, Repository, RSS,
>             Identity Management
>             -Delivery: RECIPE-based solution that create/populates the
>             solution into FI-LAB to be offered in FI-LAB as "dedicated
>             instance (recipes)" (Plan B: like package 1)
>             -FI-WARE Catalog Pages: SAP can create them
>             -Timeline: TBD (Release 3)
>             -Comments:
>             nIdentity Management integrated already and mandatory
>             (ensure that same user performs actions)
>             nRSS is only available as a "Global instance" and would
>             run separately. The packaged GES access it via the URLS
>             provided.
>             Please comment or add if needed to these candidate
>             descriptions per mail to mailing list.
>             If other WP3 partners would like to also propose their own
>             packages, you must do via mail to the apps mailing list
>             until *Wednesday 19.02. Lunchtime* latest (tomorrow).
>             I will send our list on or after tomorrow EOB to Juanjo.
>             Juanjo collects it and plans to send out an official mail
>             listing all planned "packages" in the chapters this week
>             (announced: Thursday 20.02).
>             Best wishes
>             Markus
>             *From:*Heller, Markus
>             *Sent:* Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014 16:31
>             *To:* 'fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu
>             <mailto:fiware-apps at lists.fi-ware.eu>'
>             *Subject:* Packaging Planning
>             Hi,
>             as in the telco, based on Juanjo's Mails from Monday on
>             packaging and our discussion today. We start a
>             brainstorming now:
>             - packaging is not restricted to a low-level technical
>             integration of GEs or technical availability of a GE in
>             FI-Lab or else alone. It instead should be thought in a
>             "business sense", a solution package with identifiable
>             Business Value for a user of that package.
>             - we try to find a uniform method to deliver packages per
>             GE and start discussion now how this looks like.
>             - each GE owner can ultimately decide if he would like to
>             create one for his GEs. I recommend in light of making our
>             stuff more easily consumable and also Arian has emphasized
>             that he favors packages and really demands them.
>             I.*How does a package look like / how realized?*
>             "1 GE package"
>             - A document (PDF/Flyer?) with data to link to a instance
>             on FI-LAB
>             - business level address to the consumer: You benefit with
>             this business value: XY, it costs you:, yiou will save
>             time+frustration....
>             - licensing infomation
>             - contains written docu (e.g. compiled out of existing docu)
>             - webinar stuff somehow added
>             - What else?
>             "Multi-GE-Package"
>             - A document (PDF/Flyer?) with data to link to a instance
>             on FI-LAB
>             - business level address to the consumer: You benefit with
>             this business value: XY, it costs you:, yiou will save
>             time+frustration....
>             - licensing infomation
>             - contains written docu (e.g. compiled out of existing docu)
>             - webinar stuff somehow added
>             - What else?
>             - Attention: What if multiple licenses are affected. How
>             do we address that excactly?
>             *II. Who plans a package: Please add here if you intend to
>             deliver such and indicate when this will be really available:*
>             A."1GE-Package" Planned Packages per GE Candidates)
>             - SAP Repository (M36)
>             - SAP Marketplace (M36)
>             - SAP Registry (M36)
>             - (Yours)
>             - ...
>             B. "Multi-GE-Package" Planned bigger packages (candidates)
>             [...]
>             Please reply to the mailing list with us all in CC.
>             Best wishes
>             Markus
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