[Fiware-cloud] Fiware-cloud Portal

Joaquín Salvachúa joaquin.salvachua at upm.es
Mon Apr 22 11:29:45 CEST 2013

Dear Alex, 

We are more confident on our actual version for the portal. Right now its available at : 


As i comment on the last audiconference unless there are people using it won't be of any use on the next review.

What you think on it?

Best Regards


Joaquin Salvachua               tel: +34 91 549 57 00  x.3026
Associated Professor                 +34 91 549 57 62  x.3026
dpt. Telematica                                                
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion
Ciudad Universitaria S/N         fax: +34 91 336 73 33 

mailto:joaquin.salvachua at upm.es // http://www.dit.upm.es/~jsr

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